Finding an apartment for rent is part search process and part due diligence. The search should not begin until you have checked out the legitimacy of the apartment. This includes doing research on a whole host of topics, from the real estate broker to the landlord.
The reason why due diligence is performed is to make sure that there are no problems with the legitimacy of the apartment you are buying. As much as we’d like to trust most people around us, if there’s a crooked bargain to be had and people will take advantage of us, they will. Here is our list of what you should research in order to do your due diligence before getting an apartment for rent.
Research the Broker
Before you get an apartment for rent, you should research the broker. This is because some brokers have unsavory reputations. You should read reviews for them as well to make sure that you choose the correct broker.
Many brokers can have problems with honesty and reliability. Sometimes, the brokers are outright shams and do not have the rights to offer the property to begin with. You should always do background research on the broker to make sure that you are renting a legitimate apartment.
Research the Neighborhood
The last thing you want to do when you get an apartment for rent is to move in, only to find out that the neighbourhood you are living in is in a dangerous area. You should research crime reports and statistics to verify that you are moving into a safe neighbourhood.
In New York, one of the more dangerous areas is in the inner city of the Bronx. I would never recommend getting an apartment there. But if you did not look up the Bronx, you would never know what the reputation was until you moved it, by which time it would be too late, and you’d have to look for another apartment.
Research the Landlord
You should also investigate the landlord. You should search online using his name and see what results come back. If the landlord is legitimate, you should not be able to find any complaints about him. But if he is not, you’d be surprised what you can find.
Public records laws in the United States, and especially in Florida, are open to a degree. You can search for the landlord and see if he’s been involved in any crimes. The last thing you want to do is find out that your landlord has been in trouble for apartment-related crimes in the past.
Never Buy an Apartment Sight Unseen
If you have researched the broker, the neighbourhood, and the landlord, and all seem to be legitimate, it is now time to visit the apartment to see the decoration . You want to make sure that the listing of the apartment matches the physical apartment for rent.
If anything major is out of place – for instance, the listing promised a washing machine, but there is no washing machine – then it may be a sign that the landlord, broker, or both are hiding something about the apartment.
There are many, many reasons never to get an apartment for rent sight unseen. You might find out that there are serious roof leakages or mold, something that would not show up on a lease. If there are any of these serious problems, do not get that apartment.
Read the Lease
The last step is to read the lease. You should be looking for inconsistencies between what the landlord has told you and the physical apartment for renting by the as well as, as well as the terms and conditions of living in the apartment. For instance, if you were told pets were allowed, but the lease says that no pets are allowed, you should question the lease and ask for a new one where the terms are accurate.
Having researched the landlord, neighbourhood, and broker, and having walked through the apartment and read the lease before you signed it, you have done your due diligence to find an apartment for rent that is legitimate. We hope your stay in your apartment for rent is a good one.