How many of you spending time in your garden?? Well gardening is one of my favorite things. DIY Fairy gardens are all over the internet. And if you all wish to make one for your backyard then I have very adorable ideas for your fairy garden.

11 DIY Fairy Garden Ideas

diy fairy garden ideas

Almost all of these crafts are easy to do and innovative. 

1. Upcycled Wine Top Fairy Grill

DIY Fairy Garden Ideas

I simply love this tiny little grill! Its an amazing way to add some character and personality to your fairy garden. What do you think? This little grill is made from screw on tops that you can recycle from wine bottles or any other bottle with a similar lid.

Tutorial/Source: elowezil

2. Adorable Fairy Garden Pool


Faires will love to spend doing gardening in their garden. So how about creating some tools for them? These little garden tools are perfect for adding character to your fairy garden and they’re so easy to make. You can make so many different garden tools for faires from a small sheet of metal. Start by cutting pitchfork , shovel heads and then attach them to a nail or a matchstick that is covered in aluminum foil. Tutorial/Source:

3. Tiny DIY Fairy Garden Gazing Balls

DIY Fairy Garden Ideas

These little gazing balls are so easy to make. All you need to do is, just wrap jewelry wire around a marble. And then stick them into the ground so that they stay in place. What a easy and cute DIY project! And this one is really inexpensive because it does not need much material. Tutorial/Source: gardeningforyou

4. DIY Fairy Doors

Door is the main entry of an house. I am sure you are thinking about making a nice door for the fairy house.These little DIY doors are easy to make. You can decorate it the way you want and the tiny door will look cute and adorable. Tutorial/Source:

5. DIY Wooden Fairy Stairs

DIY Fairy Garden Ideas

If you’re building a tall fairy house with floors, then you all need to build stairs for faires, right? Use birch wood rounds to create this beautiful and natural looking staircase. You can further color these stairs to make it more attractive. Tutorial/Source: bystephanielynn

6. DIY Bottle Cap Stools

DIY Fairy Garden Ideas

Of course, fairies will need an adorable place to sit in your DIY Fairy Garden. So with these little stools you can make it possible. These stools are made from bottle caps and twigs. I think its a great way yo upcycle bottle caps! It can be your that 5 minutes craft project because its just so easy to make. All you have to do is just cut the twigs to make legs and then use hot glue to attach the bottle cap seats. While doing this just make sure that twigs are relatively even so your stools will stay upright.

Tutorial/Source: ourbeautifullymessyhouse

7. Upcycled Pencil Eraser Fairy Buckets

DIY Fairy Garden Ideas

Do you know, once your kids have used up their erasers, you can use the metal casing to create these adorable little fairy buckets? So now when you know it, just punch tiny holes in the sides and attach a thin wire for the handles. I think this way it will become easy for your fairies to carry their water and other supplies. What do you think??Tutorial/Source: pequeneces-maragverdugo

8. Easy To Grow Chia Grass

DIY Fairy Garden Ideas

I think faires need grass just to lie down in the garden or go for a nice sunbath. If this ideas sounds great to you then you can give them lovely grass. Dont worry, it does not need mowing or weeding. You just need to plant chia grass. Chia seeds are easily available online or local grocery store. The more the green your DIY Fairy Garden will become the more it will look beautiful and fairy friendly.


9. DIY Fairy Bed

DIY Fairy Garden Ideas

This vintage looking bed looks more like a doll bed but you can totally recreate it for your DIY Fairy Garden. To make this bed you can use twigs. You dont have to make perfect looking bed like the one in picture. A bed will surely look cute with little imperfection also. Tutorial/Source: emilymorganti

10. Acorn Top Bird Nest

DIY Fairy Garden Ideas

Acorns are so useful when it comes to DIY Crafts.  Here make use of tops of acorns to create these perfect little tiny bird nests. What all you have to do is, remove the top from the acorn, turn it upside down and then add your nesting and decoration materials. How about adding few tiny eggs? Once you are done making this then simply glue your bird’s nest to a tiny tree or hang it with string.

Tutorial/Source: twigandtoadstool

11. DIY Acorn Birdhouse

DIY Fairy Garden Ideas

Dont you think this cute little acorn birdhouse is super adorable and so easy to make? Many people love to collect acorns. And if you are one of them then you can use it to make make as many of these birdhouses as you want for decorating your little DIY Fairy Garden.  If you are more incline to creativity then just paint them and then drill a tiny hole for sweet little birds to enter inside. Once your birdhouse is ready then its upto you where to keep it. You can glue it to a dowel rod or a twig from the yard and then “plant” it in your handmade fairy garden.  Choice is yours. Tutorial/Source: empressofdirt

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