Fairy Windows

DIY Fairy Garden Ideas 24

You’ll need windows for your fairy house, tree stump or tree. If you wish to create a nice fairy house then these windows would be look great. Also they are easy to create. Tutorial/Source: etsy.com

Tiny Thimble Planters

DIY Fairy Garden Ideas 23

Tiny fairies need tiny planters, correct? Thimbles can be used to create tiny little plants for your fairy garden. Then add some potting soil and you can even plant real tiny plants or succulents in them. If you don’t want to have to worry about the real tiny plants, then how about using some fake plants instead. Tutorial/Source: thinkcrafts.com

DIY Fairy Rope Swing

DIY Fairy Garden Ideas 22

To make this little rope swing, all you have to do is, just drill tiny holes in the wood and then attach twine, knotting it at the bottom like an old-fashioned rope swing. You can also use oblong piece of wood and then either hang it on a tree or build a little swing base for it like a porch swing. Tutorial/Source: morainegardens

Stone Fairy Table And Chairs

DIY Fairy Garden Ideas 21

Fairies love to spend time in garden. So here is another great idea for creating a table and chair set for them. All you need is some stones of different size and hot glue. Be creative in choosing relatively flat rocks for the seats and backs of your chairs and for the tabletop. You many also like to paint stones/rocks to make it more unique. Tutorial/Source: fairygardens.com

DIY Fairy Garden Plant Tag Pictures

DIY Fairy Garden Ideas 20

Use twigs to make this beautiful artwork for your fairies. Use pictures of your choice and size. Then cut if twigs accordingly. With the help of hot glue create twigs frames. And thats all. Beautiful tiny fairy accessory for DIY Fairy garden is ready. Tutorial/Source: vioboy

Mushroom Table And Chairs Set

DIY Fairy Garden Ideas 19

Fairy make use of mushrooms to rest. You can also add these little mushrooms to make table and chairs set to really give your DIY fairy garden unique look. This is made up of wood and if you look closely there is a tiny ceramic ladybug near the table.Tutorial/Source: etsy

Adorable DIY Mushroom House

DIY Fairy Garden Ideas 18

Now lets make a mushroom house for our fairies. This little mushroom house cum candle holder will light up the fairy garden. Use polymer clay that you then paint in the colors that you want. This is a wonderful way to add a decorative element with loads of color to bring attention to your fairy garden. Tutorial/Source: casaetrend.it

DIY Maple Seed And Twig Dragonfly

DIY Fairy Garden Ideas 17

Cute maple seeds and twig dragonflies. Maple seeds are easy available throughout fall so you should be able to find them easily. Further you can paint them with acrylic paints.  Use hot glue to attach the pieces together. Tutorial/Source: filthwizardry

DIY Painted Pebble Ladybugs

DIY Fairy Garden Ideas 16

With different sizes and bright colors, these little ladybug pebbles will really bring out joy in your DIY fairy garden. There are so many ways to color it.You can involve your kids to make this creative craft project.. Tutorial/Source: icreativeideas.com

Fairy Rope Ladder

DIY Fairy Garden Ideas 15

Rope ladder in garden serves so many purposes. Fairies can use it to climb or just have fun hanging on it. You can get it in a number of lengths, too so it’s easy to get the precise size that you need for your fairy garden. Tutorial/Source: etsy.com

DIY Hot Glue Waterfall

DIY Fairy Garden Ideas

Last but not the least. Waterfall. Fairies love to spend time in water. Every fairy garden needs a water fall. Learn how to make hot glue waterfall. Dont you think its so creative?? Tutorial/Source: happinessiscrafting

I hope you enjoyed these DIY Fairy Garden ideas and will try some of it to decorate you fairy garden.

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