Everyone knows that recycling is vital to the safety of our planet. Still, not everyone knows that the different electronic devices they are keeping in their junk drawer could end up in a landfill harming the environment.

However, there are certain steps that one must take to dispose of electronics properly, and below is a list of ways that you could consider when finding a place to put your old phone. 

what to do with electronics

Check to See if you are Due for an Upgrade

Most internet and cell phone providers will do a program where your smartphone is due for an upgrade every couple of years. With this program, the phone company and/or your internet provider will give you the option to either turn in your old cell phone to the company or keep it. 

If you have no other use for the phone, it is recommended that you dispose of your old phone through the phone company or your internet provider. They will take care of it in the best possible way. 

Could you give it to someone else? 

If you go to your internet provider and choose not to turn in your phone, it is most likely because a relative or other person you may know would want to use it. If you know someone who would be willing to use it, then turning down the return option from the cell phone company may not be a bad idea. Plus, you could always donate your old devices to different charities and help groups that may use them. 

Reusing products such as cell phones, tablets, or any other electronic device is great for the environment, so if you know someone who would use one of your old devices, giving it to them is a great way to dispose of it. 

Find an Electronics Recycling Facility 

Electronic Recycling facilities are found commonly worldwide. If you are unsure whether or not your town or city has an electronic recycling facility, you can always check online to see where the nearest one is. 

If you don’t have a local electronic recycling facility, you can call the nearest one and ask how to get your device to their facility properly. There are also itad companies that would be more than willing to lend a hand in the process of disposing of these devices. 

Find Out if Your Garbage Company Collects Electronics 

Different trash companies have various programs that allow you to throw away your old electronic devices as a last resort. In addition, your local recycling companies should offer services as well. The easiest way to ensure that your trash or recycling company offers electronic recycling programs is to look up their electronic disposal program on their website. 

After checking to make sure either your recycling company or your garbage company has one of these programs, you can call and ask about the necessary steps to dispose of your electronic waste properly. 

Reach out to anyone about learning how to dispose of electronics properly. You will at least have some more knowledge about how and why it is so important to dispose of or recycle these items properly.

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