Your mattress may be trying to tell you something. It’s silent, obviously, but there are times when it is giving you some signals about when it needs to be replaced. Since mattresses can be expensive, many people tend to sleep on a mattress far past its prime to avoid buying a new one.

Others simply are not paying attention to what their mattress is trying to tell them. You can’t sleep on a mattress forever so it pays to understand the signs that it is time to replace your mattress. Since you spend a big portion of your life on a mattress it is wise to take stock of when it needs to be replaced. In this article, I will go over what these signs are so you are aware that it is time to move on from your current mattress.

Back pain

One of the worst things that can happen from sleeping on the wrong mattress or one that is too old is that you start getting back pain. Once an older mattress loses its ability to support you, it leads to back pain.

The best mattress for back pain is one that will allow your pressure points like shoulder and hips to settle into the mattress while giving support to the rest of your body so your spine stays aligned. An old mattress has lost this ability and causes back pain. 

If you haven’t changed your lifestyle at all recently but find that you are experiencing back pain that is new, it could be your mattress. If your mattress is more than eight years old then this is the first sign it needs to be replaced.

It’s squeaky

Your mattress and box spring should be silent. When you start hearing noises such as squeaks and groans then it is your mattress literally speaking to you.

It could just be the bed frame needs to be adjusted as sometimes screws can get loose and just need to be tightened. But, if you have already checked the frame and it looks fine then your mattress is likely the culprit. Listen to the creaks and squeaks and think about getting a new one.

It sags in spots

Once the foam or springs in a mattress start to break down they don’t bounce back as they used to. This then causes it to sag in areas where you tend to sleep the most. This means that you are not getting the support your body needs to get a good night’s rest.

You may not be feeling the typical back pain this causes yet, but it is only a matter of time before it does become an issue. Don’t wait too long before you decide to replace the mattress because it will affect your quality of sleep at some point. 

It’s causing allergies

Over time your mattress will collect things like dust mites and bacteria that can cause you to have allergic reactions. Old mattresses made with outdated material are notorious for these allergens. If you are sneezing and having trouble breathing when you’re in bed then it is time to replace it with a mattress made with anti-microbial materials.

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