When looking for inspiration on how best to decorate your new home, you will likely come across lots of different trends. These may be new trends or older trends that are still relevant.

When it comes to new trends, you should try to find a balance between flexibility, personality, and style. Below, we will look at how you can incorporate the latest home trends into your new home keeping these three things in mind.


Add Some Texture

If your new home feels flat, adding textures is a good way to remedy this. Bouclé is a good option as it makes your home feel warm and inviting. It is made out of looped yarn that makes it feel cozy and look sophisticated.

You can also add some textures to the walls using different types of wallpapers that are created with this use in mind. 

Let Lots of Natural Light In

More homeowners are opting for natural light over artificial light. Natural light makes the home look warmer and can help small spaces seem larger. It also lets the colors on your walls and furniture stand out.

Use mirrors to reflect as light back into the room. Install roof lights and solar tubes in darker rooms. Consider upgrading your regular windows to glass walls if you want to maximize light and space.

Be Bold with Your Color Palette

Deciding which colors to use in your home will often depend on the look you want for your home. Brighter colors work best for open spaces and you can break them up using some darker complementing colors.

To find which colors go well together, use a color wheel. There are lots of websites where you can find color wheels and where you can see which colors go well together.

For the best results, opt for up to three colors. These are a main hue, a contrast and a highlight. The main hue should be used on the upholstery while the highlight and contrast hues can go on different places like the curtains and countertops. 

Create Social Areas

An emerging trend is to create social spaces in your new home. These are areas that are clearly designated for people to gather and socialize. The best way to do this is to have two couches placed in the designated areas. If you want the area to look sophisticated, opt for velvet, leather or suede for the couch material.

For larger rooms, this is easier as all you need to do is place the couches close enough so people know that that is an area for socializing. For smaller rooms, you will likely end up with a compact design, so measure everything to ensure it all fits together and that there is enough space left for people to move around easily. 

Green Homes

Remodelling your home with a brand-new air purifier will make it more eco-friendly. Some of the latest AC models have air filtration and purification built in. If you are on a budget, however, simply remember to change the AC air filter often to keep your home clean. You can find affordable air filters from FilterBuy, a company that sells their own air filters for all the top brands. 

Add some houseplants too. These look great and help to oxygenate the atmosphere in your home. 

It is easy to get carried away when trying to incorporate the latest design trends into your new home. Try to find areas where you can improve, adding your personal touch as you go along.

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