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11 Cool DIY Bird Feeder Ideas To Feed Your Birds

diy bird feeder ideas handmade

Yes, with a bird feeder is absolutely possible to enjoy wildlife by just sitting at home. If you make your handmade bird feeder, you will be surprised to see the variety of birds that will visit your house.

Bird feeding provides us a chance to go closer to these beautiful species and observe them.

Below points will highlight the importance of bird feeding:

However one has to keep in mind that, if not maintain properly bird feeding stations can become a source of many diseases.

So it’s very important to keep you bird feeder and the overall bird house/station clean.

By choosing the appreciate food, you would be able to attract your favorite birds.

Here is the most popular book  which will help you to understand what kind of feeders and seeds are best for the birds you want to attract.

Based on different bird species and their preferences, bird feeders fall under various categories such as:

In this article we will show you how to create a bird feeder by just re-using stuff which you can easily find at your home.

These creative DIY bird feeder tutorials are so easy to make and unique in its own ways.

Yes, you can quickly buy various bird feeders online like HEREBut you won’t be able to buy the joy and fun that you will get while making it yourself.

We hope you will love these DIY bird feeder ideas. For further step by step instructions please follow the links provided below.

Happy crafting  Cheers!


Check out the full DIY tutorial HERE




Check out the full DIY tutorial HERE




Check out the full DIY tutorial HERE


Check out the full DIY tutorial


Check out the full DIY tutorial HERE


Check out the full DIY tutorial HERE


Check out the full DIY tutorial HERE



Check out the full DIY tutorial HERE

 Support the environment. Share these creative diy bird feeder ideas with your friends.


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