5 Tips To Make Sure Your Chosen Mattress Is Worth The Investment

We spent almost all our time in our bedroom and are supposed to get a general amount of 8 hours sleep every night for our overall health!

However, getting a comfortable sleeping position can sometimes be an uphill battle. Turning and tossing each night rather than getting restorative sleep will leave you frustrated, wide-eyed comfortable and in even in more pain the next day!

Well, if you want a good night’s sleep, choosing the right mattress with help from Sleepify is crucial. After all, mattresses can make or break a sound, quality sleep so you need to start think carefully when buying one for you!

Here are some tips in making sure that you pick the right mattress worth investing!


Mattresses are significant financial investments and can cost thousands of dollars!

Therefore, you want to choose a mattress that is highly durable and stay comfortable for as long as possible. Durability will depend on the quality of materials that were used in constructing the mattress.

In this case, it is highly recommended that you get your mattress from a renowned and reputable brand!

Such mattress brands have long years of experience in constructing and ensuring high-quality mattress that satisfies customers in the long run.

Know Your Size

The mattress size is among the most important factors when choosing a mattress.

You want enough space to comfortably move and lie around, so it is important to consider your width and height and those who will lie on the mattress.

For the utmost comfort, you need to have about a foot of spare room at each edge of the bed. In case you are really tall, then there are various brands that provide custom built builds or extra-long beds that will suit your needs.

If you are sharing your bed then you need to consider how much you can move when sleeping. This should allow space for turning and tossing as well as lying next to one another, comfortably. While sharing your bed with someone, lot of importance is given to sleeping positions too.

Make Sure It Fits Your Bed Base

Some manufacturer might encourage you to buy a mattress together with a bed base. This might be a good idea if your bed base is already old and weak.

If you don’t want, just make sure that your measure the base carefully in order to get a good mattress fit.

Dimensions may vary so do not depend on the idea of a new mattress to be on the same size as the old one.

In case your mattress will go on a slatted base, make sure that the slats are no more than 4cm apart or 6cm wide in order to ensure enough ventilation and preventing the mattress from sagging.

Consider Your Ideal Firmness

Deciding whether to choose a mattress that is soft or hard will depend on your own preference. However, studies revealed that a medium-firm mattress can provide the utmost support for the body.

If you are not so sure about right firmness of the mattress you are eyeing, you can try it out for a few minutes in your usual sleeping position.

Most stores allow mattress testing that helps you decide whether it has the right firmness for you or not, so make sure to bring your pillow with you!

Go For A Mattress With Money-Back Guarantee And Warranty

As I have mentioned before, mattresses can be a bit pricey. And there is no assurance that the one you chose has the right firmness and can ease your pain and allergies.

Although you might try it out on the store for a few minutes, you do not exactly know if the decision you made can work for you in the long term.

So, before going on the cashier, make sure that you choose a mattress brand that offers a money-back guarantee.

This way you can test drive your bed for at least 30 days or more depending on the company, knowing that you can return it if you are not satisfied.

Also, make sure to get a mattress that has a warranty to ensure that you can replace it in case it proves faulty, for instance, with issues and problems like broken spring, or fraying materials, at no additional cost. In general, a good mattress should come with a 3 to 5 years warranty.

For other wall decor ideas, you can also look to get inspiration from Sad to Happy Project’s article on 11 DIY Wall Decorating Ideas To Do Makeover of Boring Walls.

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