Did you know that the average home consumes almost 11,000-kilowatt hours in one year? If divided by 12, it falls to around 880 kWh a month. That’s a lot, considering how much we use energy throughout the day and into the night. It just goes to prove how reliant we all are on the grid! But what if we tell you that there’s a way to decrease your reliance on the grid – and decrease your monthly energy expenses at the same time? You can definitely do it if you switch to solar energy. Of course, it doesn’t mean that your entire energy needs will rely on solar energy, but at least you don’t have to rely too heavily on the grid. Here are five reasons why you should switch to solar energy today. 


1. It is a clean, viable, and renewable power source

Unlike fossil fuels such as oil and coal, the power you can get from the sun is a completely clean, viable, and renewable resource. This means it doesn’t produce any harmful greenhouse gas emissions and pollutants that will greatly contribute to climate change. When you make that switch to solar energy, you can decrease your home or business’ carbon footprint – and do your small but impactful part to help preserve our natural resources and the environment.

2. It can save you money on energy bills

As solar Cheshire experts like Atlantic Renewables readily confirm, one great benefit of solar power is that it can help you save money on energy bills. Think about it: once you have installed your solar panels on your property, you can generate your own electricity from the rays of the sun. You’ll reduce your reliance and use less of the grid’s energy, which can lead to significant cost savings over time. In fact, some property owners and those who own businesses have reported saving hundreds (or even thousands) of dollars annually on their energy bills after making the switch.

3. It can increase your property’s intrinsic value

Solar power can also increase the value of your property – and some studies show that homes and businesses with solar panel installations tend to sell faster – and for much higher prices than most other properties with none. Solar energy is becoming more and more popular every year, and many buyers are willing to pay a premium price for properties that are already hooked up to and able to produce their own power.

4. It is long-lasting and low-maintenance 

Solar panels are built to be long-lasting and durable; many solar panels come with warranties lasting 25 years or more. In addition, the panels themselves require very little maintenance once they have been installed. As long as you keep them free of debris and clean them occasionally, they should continue to produce electricity for your property for many years to come.

5. It is more affordable 

Last but definitely not least, it’s worth noting that solar power is becoming more affordable year by year. As technology improves and economies of scale improve, the cost of solar panels has decreased steadily. It’s now more affordable than ever to switch to solar energy, and there are even different financing options you can take advantage of that make solar energy more available and accessible to property owners.

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