When it comes to beautifying the home, it’s hard to overlook the importance of working on your garden. That goes for both your front and back garden if you’re lucky enough to have both.

Having an attractive garden can add huge amounts to your property’s resale value and is likely to make you feel even better about living there than you already do. So, how do you go about doing this? How can you make your garden beautiful? Never fear: we’re here to help. Here’s our guide to making your garden gorgeous.

DIY Easy Gardening Tips To Follow


Tidy everything up

If your garden is in something of a mess, it’s probably a good idea to tidy it up. Be aware that tidying up your garden is essentially a full-time job; it’s going to take patience, time, and dedication to get your garden in fighting shape, but it’ll be worth it.

That means clearing out weeds, emptying your garden of anything that can go to your local recycling centre, and any other jobs you might need to do. You won’t be able to make your garden beautiful until you first make it less cluttered.

Plant flowers – and pick them carefully

Planting flowers transforms any garden from a bland, boxy space into a beautiful, natural paradise bursting with life. Which flowers you want to plant will, of course, depend entirely on your own personal tastes. Will you opt for a colourful arrangement or something more subdued? Only you can decide that.

When it does come time to get flowers, though, make sure you’re sourcing them from reputable places. For a great place to start with flowers, click here.

Edge your lawn

Edging your lawn doesn’t take much effort and isn’t difficult, but it’s one of the most significant ways you can completely overhaul your garden. By introducing neat, tidy edges to your lawn, you’re creating an ordered, neat look that completes any garden, no matter what aesthetic you’ve gone for.

If done correctly, the simplicity of lawn edging is disproportionate compared to the advantage it will give you in your garden. Make sure to snap before and after photos!

Add some furniture

There’s nothing more special than enjoying a delicious meal outside while the sun blazes down on a summer’s evening. Why not add some furniture to your garden – a table and some chairs, for example – to create a new dining space? It doesn’t just have to be for eating.

Treat your garden as if it was an extra room. When it rains, you can always pack the table and chairs away. Alternately, you could install a parasol and enjoy some snacks out in the light spring drizzle!

Try lighting

Whether it’s mid-afternoon in winter or late evening in summer, eventually it’s going to get dark out. When it does, why let your garden space go to waste? Install some garden lighting for a beautiful show when the natural light dims.

It can be a little daunting to install and set up your garden lights yourself, so don’t be afraid to do a little research. Create a pattern you’ll love. You can always rearrange things after you’re done, so experiment and have fun!

Add a patio

Paving an area just outside your garden and adding some furniture is an easy and quick way to add visual appeal to the area. It makes for a nice contrast with the natural greens, purples, and reds of the flowers you’ve planted. A patio also gives your kids (if you have any) somewhere else to play; you could even install a basketball net or something similar for a play area all year round!

Why not combine your patio with your dining furniture for a truly stylish al fresco dining experience?

Get creative with features

Is there anything lying around in the house that you don’t feel you can use indoors? Could it potentially have more of a life outside in your garden?

Old furniture, bottles and buckets, and even used cans could all make for excellent garden features. Don’t limit yourself to only what you can buy from garden centres and the like; make sure you rummage around indoors to see what you can repurpose. You’d be amazed how much of your old stuff you can give a new lease of life to!

Grow your own food

While this may not be the best way to keep your garden looking prim and proper, it is an excellent way to make it look like a real, lived-in garden.

Growing your own food doesn’t just lend a rustic appeal to your garden; it’s also a great chance for you to keep healthy and cook meals using your own ingredients, which is always satisfying. Apples, strawberries, onions, garlic, and potatoes can all be grown in the UK with very little hassle, so you should start there.

Attract wildlife

Are you a friend to the animals? Don’t mind too much if they snaffle your plants a little? If that’s you, then you might want to add some features to your garden that will attract wildlife.

For the most part, simply adding plants, trees, and other foliage will draw animals to the land, but you can also add nesting boxes and other specific items. Put out birdseed and water for the birds and you’d be amazed how quickly you’ll start attracting your very own feathered menagerie!       


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