House rendering is a popular way to update your home. But what exactly is rendering? Is it worth the time and money? Rendering is a type of plaster, either cement, acrylic, lime, or polymer, that is used to completely cover the walls of a home. Rendering is done by using a trowel to stick a mixture of cement and sand to a wall.

If you’re looking to render your home on your own, you can! But only with the right materials. Along with a trowel, you will need a broom, float, hawk, mixing bucket, mixing drill, sponge, straight edge, and water bucket.

However, if you’re not confident in the process, contact a qualified professional for a flawless look! There are many benefits to rendering your home, we will discuss five of these benefits here.

1. Protects the House

The first benefit, which is arguably the most important, is that rendering protects the house. If you live in an area with extreme weather conditions, such as drastic heat, heavy rain, wind, or snow, you want to make sure your house is properly protected. Render offers protection against harsh weather.

This meaning, no matter what the conditions are of the walls on your house, the render on top won’t allow water to seep through and damage the existing walls. Polymer rendering, especially, has water resistant properties.

It’s one of the most water resistant of the renders! So, if you’re really worried about how water will affect the walls, polymer rendering is probably the best option for you! Applying several coats of render increases the durability of the walls and guarantees that they will be protected for years!

2. Increases Property Value

Improving the appearance of your house is crucial when you want to increase the property value. Rendering is a good way to make the exterior of the house appear newer and more appealing to potential buyers. Not only will the house’s appearance improve, but rendering your house will also reassure potential buyers that the house’s exterior will offer durability for many years. Home Service Direct

Keeping up with the appearance of your house, even if you’re not interested in selling or increasing the property value, will help you in the long run. If and when you are ready to sell your house, the upkeep over the years will make it so much easier and less stressful! Rendering your home will make the walls last a very long time, and it’s such an easy way to not only increase the property value but also keep your house looking it’s best.

3. Looks Fantastic

Rendering can help even the most outdated houses look more modern and appealing. Even if you’re not planning on selling your house or looking to increase the property value, you still want your house to look nice. Rendering is an easy step to update the home. Different renders can offer a variety of colours and textures.

Because this can make a huge difference in the look of your home, it’s important that you pick the colour and texture that is right for you. The type of rendering also plays a strong part when deciding what type of texture you want for your walls. For a smooth finish, polymer or acrylic render is a good option. If more texture is something that you’re interested in, lime render is a good choice!

4. Can Save you Money on Heating and Cooling Costs

Another bonus of rendering your house is the amount of money you can save over time. Many people struggle with the heating and cooling costs of their home and may not know why. It’s frustrating when you’re trying to heat your home but it won’t stay heated. This is because of the lack of insulation!

Insulation is so important in your home, and rendering provides that much needed insulation. Without insulation, the money you spend to heat your home is wasted. Therefore with rendering, over time, you will save so much money! Who wouldn’t want to save money on energy bills?

5. Wide Range of Colours

Renders are pre-coloured, which means there’s no need to paint it! If you’re someone who absolutely dreads painting, rendering is a good alternative. Renders are made to be durable in extreme heat and UV rays, so the colour will last a long time without fading. Even up to 25 years! 

Things to consider when choosing a colour:

  • It’s important to take a look at your neighbour’s homes. While you can still express your creativity with your colour choices, you don’t want your house to stand out negatively. If it does, it can be detrimental to the property value.
  • If you live in an area that is very hot, it might be a good idea to choose a lighter colour. Lighter colours are popular because it makes the house appear larger. Lighter colours won’t attract the heat as much and will keep the house cooler.
  • The colour of your roof and the trim around your house should also coordinate with the colour that you choose. Unless you plan on changing the roof colour as well, it’s important to take this into account so the colours don’t end up clashing.
  • Lastly, if you have a heap of landscaping surrounding your home, you want to make sure they match the exterior. 

Rendering offers many benefits. Providing protection, increasing the property value, improving the home appearance, saving money, and offering a variety of colours are five of the most beneficial aspects. Not only does rendering offer these amazing benefits, but it’s also something you can do yourself!

As long as you have the right materials and have researched how to successfully render, you can do it on your own! However, if you want to make sure you have a completely flawless render, it would be best to contact a qualified professional for help. With all these house rendering benefits, there’s no doubt that rendering your home is one of the most beneficial things you can do. So, what are you waiting for?

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