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Your Guide to Making Money Online With Little Investment

Given the ongoing pandemic, more and more people are looking for ways to improve their financial situation. Some have had to find another job because the previous workplace had to fire them.

And it is no secret that the internet is one of the best places to salvage the situation and create a source of income.

Some of the ideas mentioned below may take a while to figure out, but if you are willing to learn, then the motivation of stabilizing your financial situation should be enough to see you through the ordeal and reap the benefits of hard work.

Idea #1 – POD Store

A custom t-shirts printing business can start as a simple venture and grow into a recognizable brand, especially if you work with reliable suppliers like Printify. And even if you do not have graphic design skills, there is an option to hire a freelancer. Meanwhile, you will focus on promoting the store.

The thing to keep in mind is how you do not need to rush things and add products slowly while scaling the online store. Focus on quality over quantity, and look for multiple marketing channels, including SEO and social media. 

Idea #2 – Social Media Management

Social media managers should not run out of job opportunities since social media platforms continue to grow. Moreover, in addition to the likes of Facebook and Instagram, there are new websites popping up now and then in what feels like every year.

You may think that the faces behind social media profiles are the ones creating content and interacting with the audience. Well, most of the time, these celebrities hire an agency to manage their social media.

You could become someone who takes care of other people’s social media presence. Practice with a page or two yourself to gain some experience first. The more you know about the platform, the better your services will be. 

Idea #3 – Online Surveys

Online surveys are quite simple and do not require a lot of time to complete. On average, a person should be able to finish a survey in 10 to 15 minutes. Five surveys in an hour sound like a good time investment, particularly if you have only an hour to spare. 

While not all surveys offer money as a reward (some have gift cards and coupons), they can still boost your financial situation. And remember that if you run out of surveys on a smartphone, check your computer because there are different surveys for different devices. 

Idea #4 – Customer Support

The growth of ecommerce also incentivizes stores to hire more customer support reps. Some online shops cannot keep up with customer inquiries while operating 24/7, and even an in-depth FAQ page does not help because not every shopper has the sense or desire to look for information themselves.

If you can fill out a particular time slot because of your location, do not hesitate and apply for a position. Even if the work is monotonous at times, it is still a good opportunity to gain valuable experience and make money at the same time.

Idea #5 – Flipping on eBay

In case you already have a niche you are familiar with, then making money flipping items on eBay is another option worth exploring. For example, you could be knowledgeable about used car parts or comic books. Finding a good deal and reselling for profit is one way to become richer.

Idea #6 – Online Education

Online education continues to be in demand. And it is not just because of the pandemic when students have to study remotely. Adults are also looking to improve their skills and get better career opportunities. 

So how does one create a source of income even without a background in education? Well, thanks to platforms like Skillshare and Udemy, you can create and sell online courses. Pick a topic and compile relevant information from multiple sources to create a course that you can sell online.

Idea #7 – Blogging

Blogging is no longer just a hobby, or a means to express oneself. You have multiple opportunities to monetize a blog once there is a decent number of readers. 

Of course, you should prioritize the article quality first because people will not bother coming back if the content fails to meet their expectations. Marketing should also be on the list of priorities, particularly search engine optimization. 

Idea #8 – Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketers continue to make bank by investing in a decent website and finding a solid niche from Amazon or ClickBank products. 

Entering a competitive niche may be too hard when you lack experience, so aim to find a market that is not too saturated. And once you do, get to writing content and adding relevant affiliate links in the articles.

Idea #9 – Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistant gigs are available on social media groups for freelancers as well as platforms like Fiverr and UpWork. 

In addition to money, you will also gain experience and opportunities to expand your network of connections, provided that you can impress your employer.


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