Moving into a new home is always an exciting time- chances are there’s so much you want to do and so many touches to add that will make it your own.

But your priority should always be to pay attention to the security measures in place, so you and your family can feel safe at home. Here are some of the most important areas to check, and upgrade if required.

home security measures

Secure your doors

As around 34% of burglars will enter your home through the front or back doors, it’s important to ensure they’re secure. If you haven’t already – change the locks.

You have no idea of how many people have had access to the keys over the years, and may have made copies. Install deadlocks and new strike plates to prevent them from being prised open.  Don’t neglect any doors leading from the garage into the house. 

Also, check the strength of frames and hinges, especially if a door is out of plain sight – so it can’t be smashed open.  

Check your windows

Likewise, ensure that all your windows have security locks or levers operated with a key. Consider reinforcing the glass with security film, or even installing ornamental security bars to eliminate the possibility of intruders gaining access.

If you have borders around the house, plant thorny bushes underneath windows to make it harder to reach the glass. 

Outdoor lighting

Especially if your property is in an isolated area, deter potential wrongdoers by installing outdoor lights. Don’t confine yourself to the front of the home – make sure all 360 degrees of the building are illuminated.

Lighting doesn’t have to be glaring – just bright enough to let any burglar know they’ll be visible to passers-by. Solar-powered security lights are a sustainable option that cost nothing to run.

Install a security system

This is a no-brainer. Depending on your budget, choose anything from a basic DIY option to a sophisticated system using the latest smart technology. Consult a local security expert, or even the local police crime prevention unit, for advice on what level of protection you’ll need.

Visible security cameras are a powerful deterrent for burglars – they may decide it’s not worth the risk of being caught on film, and move on to a less well-secured home.

Protect your wifi

Your home network is the gateway to invaluable personal and financial data. While we’re all aware of the need for strong passwords and anti-virus protection, you should also take care to secure your router and hide your home network from potential hackers. Keep in mind that if you use home automation (IoT), your home could be vulnerable to break-ins should your accounts be accessed by hackers.

These are just five of the most important measures you can take to secure your new home. Once they’re in place, and you know that your property is far less attractive to thieves,  you can take satisfaction in knowing that you’ve taken responsible security measures to protect your family.

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