Remodeling a bathroom is a blend of art and science. It’s a pursuit that demands meticulous attention, artistic flair, and an understanding of practical necessities. This endeavor becomes especially relevant in places like Lexington, KY, known for its rich history and an eclectic mix of old and new architectural styles. The charming homes of Lexington often echo stories from the past, but inside, many homeowners desire modern amenities, especially in personal spaces like the bathroom. 

Mistakes to Avoid During Your Next Bathroom Remodel

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A significant number of Lexington residents have shown interest in upgrading their homes in recent years, thanks to the support from the city’s budget-friendly renovation programs. According to 2023 statistics, homeowners in Lexington, Kentucky, spent an average of $9,696 to $77,574 on house remodels.

It reflects a broader trend—melding the old with the new to create something uniquely personal. But diving into such a project, especially in a city with distinct architectural nuances, without being adequately informed can lead to costly oversights and aesthetic mismatches. And to strike the right balance between the historical charm of Lexington and contemporary comforts, it’s essential to be wary of common remodeling pitfalls. As you set forth on this transformative endeavor, understanding these potential mistakes can be your compass, guiding you toward a successful and satisfying outcome.

Let’s navigate through these common remodeling errors to ensure your project in Lexington or elsewhere goes off without a hitch.

  1. Overlooking the Budget

Embarking on a bathroom remodel is exciting, but letting emotions dictate spending can lead to budget overruns. Begin by setting a clear and realistic budget. Break down the costs, from labor to materials, and allocate funds judiciously. Remember, while that sleek freestanding tub may catch your eye, other essential elements also require your financial attention. Strike a balance: allocate more for central items and find cost-saving alternatives elsewhere. This approach ensures you get value for every dollar spent while averting unexpected costs down the line.

In Lexington, KY, the average bathroom remodel expense is $10,689. For minor updates in a modest-sized bathroom – like installing a new vanity, sink, toilet, floor, and lighting fixtures – costs can range from $3,500 to $7,000. However, for those envisioning a lavish transformation of their master bathroom with additions like a steam shower or a jetted tub, the investment can soar beyond $20,000, encompassing labor and all other associated costs.

If you’re looking for ways to make a big impact on your home’s aesthetics without breaking the bank, then investing in bathroom remodeling is an excellent option. But how do you find a reliable contractor to get the job done? All you need to do is look up the keyword best Lexington bathroom remodeling company near me, and you will find a list of reliable contractors who can help make your dream bathroom renovation come to life.

  1. Neglecting Proper Ventilation

A bathroom’s primary function involves water, which means humidity is always present. This moisture can lead to mold, mildew, and even structural damage over time without proper ventilation. Beyond health implications, poor ventilation can deteriorate your beautiful fittings faster. So, invest in a top-notch exhaust fan and ensure its ductwork leads outside. This proactive move not only preserves the beauty and integrity of your bathroom but also ensures a healthier environment for its users.

  1. Skimping on Storage

A minimalist aesthetic is all the rage now, but even the most minimal designs need smart storage solutions. Overlooking this can result in cluttered countertops and daily frustrations. Design vertical storage, leverage corners, and consider built-in recessed shelves. Opt for vanities with ample under-the-sink storage. The goal is to create a design where functionality meets style, ensuring every item has its designated space, hidden or displayed.

  1. Not Planning for Future Needs

Your dream bathroom should cater to both current preferences and future necessities. While a high bathtub might seem luxurious now, will it be accessible as you age or if mobility issues arise? Think ahead. Implement features such as grab bars, walk-in showers, or wider doorways. Adaptable designs can withstand the test of time, ensuring your bathroom remains accessible and functional for every stage of life.

  1. Ignoring Lighting Considerations

Lighting isn’t just about illumination; it’s about creating ambiance and enhancing functionality. It’s easy to underestimate its significance in a bathroom. Multiple light sources are pivotal, from overhead to task lighting around mirrors. Consider sconces, recessed lights, and even chandeliers. Introducing dimmer switches can adjust the room’s mood, catering to various activities, from an invigorating morning routine to a calming evening bath.

  1. Choosing Materials Impulsively

The allure of material often lies in its aesthetics, but bathrooms demand a union of beauty and durability. Picking materials without understanding their longevity or maintenance needs can result in premature wear and added expenses. Whether it’s the tile for the floor, the marble for the countertop, or the paint on the walls, ensure your choices withstand humidity, frequent use, and the test of time.

  1. Forgetting About Electrical Outlets

Modern bathrooms are technology hubs. The need for outlets has never increased, from electronic toothbrushes to beauty gadgets. A common oversight in bathroom remodeling is the underestimation of power needs. Plan ahead. Determine the gadgets you frequently use, anticipate future additions, and position outlets accordingly, ensuring safety and convenience.

  1. Hiring the Wrong Contractor

The foundation of a successful remodel lies in the hands of the chosen contractor. While it might seem tempting to go with the cheapest bid or the first available option, thorough research pays dividends. Delve deep into their past projects, seek client testimonials, and ensure clear communication lines. Remember, the right contractor not only brings expertise but also understands your vision and works diligently to bring it to life.

  1. Failing to Set a Timeline

While excitement mounts at the thought of a newly remodeled bathroom, enduring the process without a clear timeline can be grueling. A well-defined schedule agreed upon with your contractor clarifies project phases and completion dates. This helps manage expectations, minimizes household disruptions, and keeps the project on track.

  1. Not Having a Contingency Plan

No remodeling project is without its surprises. Perhaps it’s a hidden plumbing issue, or maybe a chosen fixture is out of stock. Whatever the unforeseen challenge, a smart homeowner sets aside a contingency fund, typically around 10-20% of the total budget. This safety net ensures that unexpected hiccups don’t halt the project or stretch your finances too thin.


Remodeling a bathroom can be likened to orchestrating a symphony. It requires a keen eye for design, a dash of patience, a sprinkle of creativity, and, most importantly, thorough planning. As homeowners embark on this transformational journey, they often dream of a serene sanctuary, reflecting personal tastes and offering respite from daily chaos. However, diving headlong into a bathroom remodel without adequate preparation can easily lead to costly missteps and disappointing outcomes. With numerous elements to consider—from tiles and tubs to lighting and layout—each decision plays a crucial role in harmonizing the final masterpiece. Yet, the road to that dream bathroom is fraught with potential pitfalls. Avoiding these common mistakes is essential for staying on budget and on time and ensuring that the renovated space meets, if not exceeds, all expectations.

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