If you are working from home then  your space where you’re supposed to work shall be comfortable.

If your idea of a home office is a corner of the garage surrounded by odds and ends and an overflowing storage area, then this is not going to work.

Likewise if you just want to set up at the kitchen table and try to get work done there. You need to have a decent set up for your home office. Otherwise you are setting yourself up for a less than ideal workflow.

In this article, I will go over how you can set up a home office so it allows you to work efficiently and productively. 

home decoration

1 – Make it cosy

Wherever you end up creating your home office space, it should feel separate from the other areas of the house and have its own cozy vibe. Your home office should be inviting so it is a pleasure to use the area for work.

Start by decorating the space with some pictures and art so it has an aesthetic that makes it look interesting and different from the rest of the house. Then add some plants. Greenery is a good way to make the space look nice, but it also creates a soothing atmosphere to work in.

And then add a water feature as nothing is more soothing and calming than the sound of running water. An indoor waterfall is ideal even if it seems over the top luxurious. They are more affordable than you realize and will make a huge difference in your home office.

Lastly, make sure that there is plenty of light. A dark corner is going to be depressing and slow down your workflow. You can either do things to brighten the room like adding better light fixtures, or try to arrange your space to be near a window that gives lots of natural light during the day.

2 – Be organized

Make sure that you’ve set this up just as you would an ordinary office. It should be organized so that you have everything you need to work within reach. Add some file cabinets to keep important documents. Storage boxes are great for everything else like materials that you’ll need to get your work done, whatever it is.

Your desk should be ergonomic meaning it needs to enable the best workflow. Have shelves for things like a printer or scanner and another for your hard drive on your computer so you are using the space wisely.

3 – Make sure your internet is stable

If you have just a basic connection, think about upgrading to a faster, more stable internet connection. For instance, if you have data caps you will need to upgrade to get rid of any limits you have on data usage.

Also, if your router is frequently going down then you’ll need a new one. It’s important that it can handle being used for your work and anybody else in the house that needs to use the internet at the same time. 

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