It seemed like a good idea at the time, but as the date of your formal dinner party draws near, you’re becoming understandably nervous about whether it’s going to be as perfect as you first envisioned. That’s especially true if this is the first really formal event that you’re hosting. What will your guests expect from you? How can you create a setting that tells guests that this is the “real thing” and not just you inviting a few friends over for dinner? Take a deep breath! It’s not as difficult as you may have feared. Here’s what you need to make that dinner a truly glittering occasion.

Fabulous Table Settings
Go all out when dressing up your table. You’ll need matching, sparkling silverware and glassware, real linen serviettes, and your very best dinner service. Finish the look with an attractive centrepiece, but be sure not to pick anything too tall. Guests should be able to converse across the table with ease. If you’re eager to show off your DIY skills, try making your own centrepieces with pretty paper flowers. Your challenge? Creating something that’s perfect for a formal setting.
A Bit of Help on the Night
While you can pre-prepare some of the food you’ll be serving, running around the kitchen or serving food and drinks in an evening dress when you should be making elegant conversation with your guests is right out. At more casual events, it’s fine to multitask as cook, server, barkeeper, and hostess, but for a proper formal dinner party, you’ll need some help with final food preparation, bar service and serving at table.
There are companies that can help you out. Be sure they know that it’s a formal event and that servers should be dressed accordingly. Discuss the menu with the chef well ahead of time, explaining what you will make and what you hope to delegate on the night, and leave kitchen management to them. There’s nothing worse than micromanaging every detail when you should be playing hostess.
Make Sure That Everything is in Place Before the Guests Arrive
To limit stress and present the in-control impression you want to create, be sure that nothing that doesn’t have to be done at the last minute is ready. Carefully inspect table settings and make any changes you deem necessary, check that the area where you’ll receive your guests is stocked with drinks and glasses, and make sure the staff you’ve hired have everything under control.
Dress for Success
Presumably, your invitations will have specified formal evening wear, so your guests will be decked out in all their finery. Be sure to review your outfit well in advance and have any jewellery you’re planning to wear cleaned professionally. Make sure you have enough time to prepare your look and put your best foot forward. You’ll be calm, cool, and collected, and perfectly pulled together. And no matter how nervous you might be, you’ll present the appearance of someone for whom this kind of event comes naturally.
Don’t Let Any Hitches Upset You
Now that you’re ready to greet your guests, prepare yourself for an evening spent greeting, chatting, and circulating among your guests. If anything goes wrong despite your careful planning, don’t lose your cool. Salvage the situation with calm good humour and attention to the comfort of your guests. Formal dinner parties are a social event first and foremost, and the food and drinks service complements the event rather than being the be-all-and-end-all.