Melbourne’s education, infrastructure, healthcare, transport, job opportunities, etc., make it Australia’s most liveable city, according to the Global Liveability Index 2022. If you have a property in this city and are looking to sell it, the chances of getting a reasonable price are high.

Maximise the Potential of Your Investment Property

In 2020, about 7,221 homes were sold in Melbourne, which increased in 2021 because of the property boom. It resulted in house prices rising by almost 15% in Melbourne and other cities across Australia.

However, one can get the best price for their house only by hiring the services of professional property stylists rather than just depending on the real estate market. These specialists redecorate, repair, and refurbish the property, making it highly appealing to the buyers and ensuring they are won over at first sight.

Without preparing the house for sale, people will not receive the best price that they should since the buyers will leave unimpressed. What are some more reasons for preparing a home before the sale? Please read on.

Why is it essential to stage a home?

Staging a home is vital because it lets the buyer get a feel of the house and gives them an idea of what it would be like to live in it. Property styling has gained rapid popularity amongst homeowners in Melbourne, with the industry’s size now rivalling that of Sydney. 

According to statistics, hiring a designer now costs 2,500 AUD to 5,000 AUD in the city. Data also suggests that preparing your house for sale increases its sales price between 7.5% to 15%.

How can professional stylists help you?

Professional property stylists in Melbourne will assist you with the entire preparation process, including making the necessary repairs, redecorating the interiors, and hiring and installing the furniture.

Each process is necessary since they leave the buyers impressed within the first few minutes of their arrival. For example, having a house that looks neglected, worn out, cluttered and dull will decrease its overall value significantly. 

A nicely trimmed garden, clean carpets, and a fresh coat of paint go a long way in giving you the price you deserve for your property. Interestingly, a well-kept garden increases a home’s value in Melbourne by 15 to 20%. 

The stylist’s eye for detail, experience, and knowledge in the real estate industry helps them present your property in the most favourable light.

Since Melbourne is also a thriving centre of art, design, fashion, and architecture, the buyers would love it if your house looked stylish, classy, and reflected the latest trends in furniture, artwork, and home decor.  

Hiring the necessary furniture

A house without furniture looks empty, lifeless, and lonely. Installing furniture inside your house increases its value by as much as 15% in Melbourne. However, you should select the right furniture that suits your home’s interiors without making it look congested. 

Stylists can recommend the kind of furniture which would enhance your property’s appeal. The professionals will offer advice on the design and custom package best suited to your sales campaign, whether it’s the entire house or a few rooms.

A good stylist company offers services for different homes, including newly built family homes, proud heritage properties, or apartments in the middle of the city. They will lend a classiness and appeal to your bedrooms, living rooms, and other parts of the house. 

You should consider hiring a professional property stylist before selling your home in Melbourne, as they will ensure it looks appealing to the buyer. They will handle the entire preparation process, from hiring the furniture to decoration.

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