DIY Pets Crafts For Halloween
Amazingly enough, 56% of US households craft at least once a year and many of those enjoy getting to grips with a little DIY for their pets, especially around the holidays and on special calendar occasions.
Halloween, in particular, is a great favorite. There are so many cool Halloween costume ideas for pets, that it really should be the pets who get to win the treats on October 31.
So, what DIY crafts can you do for with your pet?
DIY Crafts For Your Pooch On Valentine’s Day
Let’s start with dogs. Breedsy states that the moment you bring your new dog home, your journey as a dog owner begins. And that means learning how to get creative with some cool DIY ideas to keep your pooch entertained, comfortable, and happy.
As Valentine’s Day is all about love, your pooch-focused DIY craft should be about warmth, caring, closeness, and memories. So, how about framing your pooch’s paw print and hanging it on your wall as a symbol of your forever-lasting love? All you need is a little child-friendly paint to make sure that nothing will happen to your dog if he or she licks any of the paint, and a fairly absorbent sheet of paper. Great fun!
Easter Crafts For Your Bird
Here’s a cute idea for bird owners. If there’s anything a bird truly loves, it’s a nest. Take the time at Easter to build a little nest for your bird and decorate it with shiny, attractive trinkets.
It might end up being so inviting that your bird chooses to make a little home in it.
To make the nest, you can either go organic and natural by using small twigs gathered from outdoors, or cut a wad of paper into small strips, weave them together, a create something modern for your little bundle of feathers.
Christmas DIY For Your Cat
Cat lovers know that cats just adore feathers. So, how about a feathery red robin on a stick? This kind of DIY toy makes a great Christmas gift for your purring charmer and it’s easy to make.
Cut a bird-shaped body and head out of felt and then either glue or sew a bunch of red and brown feathers all over it. The more feathers the better. Remember, play is an essential part of a cat’s life.
It keeps them healthy and happy. Sew a piece of elastic through the felt and attach the other end to a long stick, and you’ve got yourself an incredibly entertaining toy for your kitty cat this Christmas.
See In The New Year With a DIY Hamster Craft
And last, but not least, something for the hamster. We all know that while snow during the New Year is beautiful, it’s also a super cold time for our tiny, furry friends.
With that in mind, take the time to make a fleecy hamster holder to keep your hamster warm and cozy during the holidays. The great thing about this type of craft is that you don’t have to sew anything in order to make it.
A few folds of fleece fabric, and a few knots to attach the straps, and you’re done.
Whichever holiday you’re celebrating, and whatever you choose to make for your pet, the only thing that really matters is that you have fun creating and your pet has fun reaping the benefits.
DIY crafts don’t have to look perfect, they just have to be made with lots and lots of love.
Have a wonderful holiday to you and your pets.