Flies are one of the most unwelcome house guests around. These pesky critters will hover around endlessly, which is just half the reason they are so annoying. Beyond the general annoyance, flies are also a health concern as they can cause listeria and several other illnesses. They breed in food sources, which causes maggots. 

Effective And Practical Ways To Get Rid Of Flies In Your Home

Nevertheless, if you’re wondering how to keep flies out of your home effectively, we’ve listed the most practical and effective solutions.

Store Food Correctly

Where there is a food source, pests will be on their way. And flies will be there first, while roaches and other pests tag behind. So, it’s pretty essential to store food correctly to ensure you aren’t welcoming household pests into your home. 

While you should store leftovers in airtight containers in the fridge, you should also avoid leaving fruit out for too long, as fruit flies are just as much of a nuisance. While you can kill fruit flies with various store-bought sprays, if there is no food source, they will search elsewhere. 

Keep Your Home Clean

Flies will also feel welcomed into your home if there are foul odors lurking around. A messy house is a perfect environment for flies and other pests. 

While home cleaning is crucial, you can also consider relying on a cleaning service if you are, for any reason, simply unable to keep up with the never-ending list of chores. 

Use Fly Traps

Flytraps are an excellent option if you still notice flies after removing food sources and keeping things clean. These traps come in a variety of designs; some are sticky tape traps, and others are more advanced. It’s best to opt for traps that you feel comfortable using, as the sticky tape option also serves as a display of dead flies, which is not entirely appealing. 

Freshen Up The Air

Because foul odors attract pests like flies, it’s essential to keep the air in your home fresh and clean. You can do this with eco-friendly air freshener scents, incense burners, and others. 

Alternatively, air purifiers are also a solution to keep the air in your home ideally clean.

Living Kitchen Herbs

Starting a living herb garden in your kitchen is relatively straightforward, and if you opt for the right herbs, like mint, your efforts will double up as a fly repellent. 

With this, there are several plants that can effectively repel flies from your home. Mint, catnip, bay leaves, parsley, and several others are also excellent choices. 

Disinfect Your Home

If you have a stubborn fly infestation and the above solutions don’t offer much solace, the next step is to disinfect your home. There may be a source hiding well in your house, where flies are breeding. 

While there are some instances where fly infestations are severe, these pests are typically pretty easy to get rid of. With a clean home, the right repellent scents, and the habit of never leaving food out, your home can be fly-free all year round. 

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