Getting the house clean and tidy doesn’t have to be such a chore with these helpful tips from the people who know cleaning the best: the professionals!

DIY Home Cleaning Tips From

  • First things first, make sure you have the right cleaning materials! Professionals swear by using microfiber cloths for wipedowns. It is machine washable and dries pretty quickly, which means that there isn’t enough time for bacteria to grow. You should also have your cleaning agents and latex gloves.
  • Keep all your cleaning materials in one area. Designate a special spot (or two) in your house where all the cleaning tools you need are there. Just make sure that it is a child and pet-proof. Pristine Home Sydney also suggests to keep a separate set of cleaning tools in the bathroom to prevent cross-contamination.
  • Keep it simple by just using three all-purpose cleaners. You don’t need to be keeping one specific product for an individual task; you lose efficiency this way. Imagine having to sift through many products just to get that stain off the floor.
  • As you clean, make it a fun and active task. Turn on the music and crank it up. Nothing keeps you pumped up than upbeat songs you can sing and dance to while you dust and sweep.
  • CAYGO — Clean As You Go — and this goes for everyone in the house. Have a microfiber cloth handy in common areas, like the living room, kitchen, and dining area, so that spills are easily cleaned. 
  • Do your cleaning while it is bright outside. Open the drapes and curtains so that natural light can come through. As much as possible, have your cleaning tasks done by three in the afternoon. Professionals do not recommend cleaning after dark. You can’t see dust particles properly even when you have all your lights on.
  • Don’t put off cleaning the shower and bathtub. Prevent the build-up of stains and grime by cleaning the shower area and bathtub every other week, at the minimum. This way you won’t have to be dealing with a major cleaning. Use one all-purpose cleaner and a microfiber cloth. Remember: you want to be efficient.
  • Create an imaginary map in your head and make a cleaning path. You can start from top to bottom, left to right, front to back. Move-in blocks around the room with the floor as the last step in your cleaning process since it has already accumulated dust and dirt you have gotten to cleaning out from higher points of the area. The point of dividing the room into blocks is that you get to focus on the specific spot before moving on to the next. The room doesn’t feel like one big chore; instead, it feels like it has been sliced up and the tasks become more manageable.
  • Begin your cleaning by tackling the worst thing in the room. By doing the most difficult cleaning task, professionals claim that the rest of the room will feel like a walk in the park.
  • Got the allergies? Be a dust buster by cleaning hidden and hard-to-reach areas in the room, like under the furniture, especially in rooms that constantly have people in it such as the living room. Dust and vacuum these areas before returning them to their proper places.
  • Speaking of dust, be on top of things by being aware of when high pollen and high dust season is on its way and keep the windows closed. It won’t do any harm to install air filters too. Cleaner air means no smoke, dust, moisture, and undetectable gases that decrease ambient air quality. 
  • Another way to keep dust at a minimum is to lessen the clutter you have at home. Professionals have seen all sorts of home environments and the one common thing that they noticed is that a lot of these homes have unnecessary items in their houses that gather dust.
  • Got a pet? Brush their fur on a regular basis. Pet hair on your furniture and floor can be a nuisance, but brushing their fur will keep it a more manageable level. Another good thing about this is that you get to spend quality time with your furry friend.
  •  Know when the job is done when it sparkles. Some professionals feel like a cleaning task isn’t completely over yet until it gleams. Spraying the surface with diluted vinegar and wiping it with a microfiber cloth will bring out that shine you have been looking for. Do this on glass, doors, kitchen appliances (avoiding any electrical outlets), porcelain, and cabinets.
  • Every time you cook, clean the kitchen. Focus on the areas that you use frequently, such as the stovetop, sink, counters, and handles. Kitchen dirt is easy to clean; when you put it off until later on, it hardens and becomes a task that is just taking too much effort and time.
  • Nothing like positivity: think of a goal and imagine how awesome it will make you feel when the room (and the entire house) is clean. Invite some friends and family over so that you and everyone else can enjoy it too.
  • Professionals have met clients that are just too overwhelmed by the cleaning that they give up altogether. You can prevent this by starting with the basics first. Focus on areas that constantly need your attention like the kitchen, living room, and bedroom. Slowly, add more tasks to your routine.
  • Another faux pas that professionals have noticed is the use of the wrong cleaning tools and materials. Some families keep too many products. Professionals also say to avoid the use of sponges. They are not like microfiber cloths that can be washed after every use. In fact, sponges can become unsanitary as it easily harbours bacteria.
  • You don’t have to do all the cleaning yourself. Delegate other cleaning chores to the rest of the family. Assign older children to be responsible to keep their bedroom clean. For younger children, have a task chart that they can see. It will also serve as a reminder to them that they have a chore to do.
  • Always wash your linens and pillows. The cleaning pros mark this one of the most important and sanitary cleaning tasks you can do. Wash bed sheets once a week and pillows can be laundered every few months. 

These handy tips are sure to make your cleaning fun and easy activity that you and your family can enjoy. 

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