If you’ve got kids, you’ve got clutter. Yes, its true. There’s no doubt that toys can take up a lot of space. If your child isn’t good at putting his toys away, they take up even more space.
Sound familiar? It’s time to take control of your kids’ toy clutter and reclaim the space in your home. But what do you do with it all? And how do you store it in a way that won’t cost a fortune and will still look nice?
The key to keeping things organized is to make sure that everything has its own place. Teach your child to put his games in one place, stuffed animals in another, and cars in yet another place. It’s fine to keep a box of “random toys” for all the smaller things collected over the years that don’t really fit in a single category.
Here are some creative ideas to store your kids’ toys and other stuff.
Contain the chaos of your child’s toys. These easy quick tips and smart solutions will finally get your playroom in order.
Wall Mounted Hanging Buckets
These wall mounted buckets serve as cute storage for stuffed animals
Using Command hooks, you can easily hang buckets on the wall which work well for keeping stuffed animals and other toys off the floor. Your kids will love these buckets hanging on their bedroom walls and they are great for making a game out of tossing stuffed toys in when cleaning up. Via: Itsy bits and pieces – The Bachman’s Spring 2011 Ideas House- the Bedrooms.
Ceiling Storage
Imagine having storage baskets on your ceiling as a child… Can you imagine it? Check out this awesome storage idea for a child’s room. these pulleys and hanging baskets are a fun DIY home improvement to help turn your fun-but-messy child’s room into a mostly organized (but not always, we all know kids!) room.
Each basket holds a specific set of animals, toys, supplies…and it’s labeled on the wall where the string holding it up is anchored. I think this is fun and useful. Via: Amerifirst – Cool DIY Home Improvement: Kids Room Storage on the Ceiling
Keep tiny items in clear boxes
Here, teeny toys are categorized into clear shoe boxes. Though you can see each type of toy in a glance, labels also help make things even easier to find. Via: ORGANIZED PLAYROOM
Canvas Totes for Under the Bed Storage
Even if your child does not have a trundle bed, you can enjoy the same amount of storage space. You simply have to add a few canvas totes or boxes that fit underneath the bed. They will slide out of the way and store loads of toys. This is a great idea for utilizing space that is normally wasted. Via: Amazon.com – One step ahead my closet underbed storage bin.
Shoe Organizers
Sure, almost every day, the kids probably threw their toys about — and you, too, in your state of vacation-mode relaxation — spreading them across your home without a care in the world.
A shoe organizer is the perfect solution for storage in a small bedroom. You can use the compartments to store toys of all sizes. Just hang it on the closet door or the back of the bedroom door. These cheap and effective organizers will help to keep toys organized and save space at the same time. Via: Yahoo – 7 Ways to Keep All Those New Toys Organized . You can also buy it on Amazon here.
Transformations for Stylish and Organized Kids’ Storage/Sitting Room
The amount of toys, supplies, clothing, parts, pieces and overall clutter that accumulates with small children is mind-blowing. It seems like every toy has no less than 175 pieces and once the box is opened, these pieces are found scattered throughout the house.
Turning a couple of bookshelves into a corner bench/storage center is a great idea if you have room. You just need two bookshelves that are the same size. Just line them up on both walls touching in the corner (lie them on their sides). You can purchase or even make cushions for the top to turn them into a great sitting area and the openings are perfect for holding baskets or canvas totes where you can store toys. Add labels to the totes and you can really keep things organized.
Via: Arizonafoothillsmagazine – Ikea Transformations for Stylish and Organized Kids’ Rooms
Rethink the closet, then slip in extra baskets.

You may also like to check this video of : 10 Genius Organizing Ideas For Your Kids Room
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