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10 Do It Yourself Detox Healthy Smoothie Recipes To Try


Whether you are on liquid diet or just feel like making you body look and feel healthy then these do it yourself Detox healthy smoothie recipes will definitely make your life much easier.

Wish to know how to make a healthy smoothie? This list of smoothies will keep your tummy fill until lunch time or can make a healthy post-workout drink.

There is a variety from green vegetable smoothies to delicious fruit combinations.

You will be surprise to sip the healthy and tasty combination together.

Smoothies are a great way to get maximum nutrition for a glowing beautiful, gorgeous skin.

If you choose the right ingredients as per your health then there is no need to pop up beta-carotene supplements, nor do you need to use costly cosmetic products.

We hope you will try these amazingly healthy smoothie recipes to get a beauty boost from inside out.

1.) Pear and Herb Smoothie

Check out the full DIY tutorial HERE

2.) Berry Green Smoothie

Check out the full DIY tutorial HERE

3.) Healthy Mango and Greek Yogurt Smoothie

Check out the full DIY tutorial HERE

4.) Black Forest Smoothie

Check out the full DIY tutorial HERE

5.) Banana Cream Pie Smoothie

Check out the full DIY tutorial HERE

6.)  Pina Colada Smoothie with Honey and Fruit

Check out the full DIY tutorial HERE

7.) Strawberry Banana Smoothie


Check out the full DIY tutorial HERE

8.) Layered Mixed-Berry Green Power Smoothie

Check out the full DIY tutorial HERE

9.) Natural Orange Julius

Check out the full DIY tutorial HERE

10.) Green Apple Smoothie

Check out the full DIY tutorial HERE

For more fun DIY project like these keep on visiting Sad To Happy Project.

We love you. Keep smiling.

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