Now is the best time to get to the things that you’ve been putting off for so long, and your bathroom renovation can be one of those things.

If you’ve come across this article, the chances are that you’ve been thinking about it for a while and now need some assistance.  Few things that you need to keep in mind are that you can’t do it all by yourself, and you need to come to terms with that.

Know that following a YouTube tutorial might look easy, but it can be a great deal of work. So, you need to act smart rather than follow your heart while renovating.

Well, you don’t need to worry as we’ve got you covered.  Here mentioned below are seven things that you should consider while renovating your bathroom.

bathroom renovation tips

Decide What You Want:

The first and foremost thing that you should keep in mind is that you need to predetermine a budget. Regardless of the size of your bathroom, it would be best to decide how much money you’re ready to spend.

More often than not, we tend to get carried away if we don’t keep ourselves in check. You wouldn’t want to spend a great deal of your savings on renovating your bathroom now, would you?

So, try to determine a lump sum amount and assign each task a portion of that amount. This way, you’ll know your limits, and you can plan your renovation realistically.

Try To Work With What You Have:

Another thing that can help you while renovating is to work with what you have. For example, rather than changing the placements of everything, try to work with the same footprint.

For example, rather than changing the placement of the sink with the shower, it is ideal to leave the placement where it changes the features.

 For example, if you previously had a bathtub try replacing it with a hot tub rather than changing the toilet placement, try constructing a platform to keep it out of view and buy new sink fixtures.

I replaced the bathtub with a hot tub from and it turned out to be the best decision I made. Not only was it chemical-free, but it was also an environmentally conscious decision.

Doing so will not only save you lots of time, but also a great deal of money.

Plan According To Your Time:

One thing that people don’t keep in mind while renovating is time.  Know that the more time it takes, the more money it’ll need. So, try to have a plan for time consumption and then stick to it.

While it might not be that concerning people who have two bathrooms in their homes, it can be quite a problem for someone who only has one.

You wouldn’t want to be knocking on your neighbor’s door every time you had to go to the bathroom now, would you?

Have A Plan Of Action:

It would be best if you had a plan of action before you get started once you’ve assigned a budget to the task plan, one which one goes first. You wouldn’t want to be done with your tiles and then find out that you had to fix the plumbing too now, would you?

Despite the fact that we often think these are stupid mistakes, and that we won’t make them, it’s easy to forget what to do when you’ve got a whole project.

Prioritize Functionality:

Another thing that should be kept under consideration is functionality. Remember, it’s a bathroom, not a spa. Don’t over clutter the bathroom as it can set off the whole vibe. Remember that sometimes less is more. For example, while going green is a trend, make sure that your bathroom doesn’t look like a greenhouse.  Try to go for low-key indoor plants that can add personality to your bathroom but remain functional,

A friend of mine went green a few months back and now regret the decision as the humidity inside the bathroom has led to a weird lingering smell. So, always remember that functionality should be your priority.

Hire Help:

Last but not least, you can hire a contractor to make the whole ordeal more accessible for you. However, it would be best if you kept in mind that you shouldn’t go for the first contractor that you find.

Try to go for someone with experience and someone who can work within your budget. You should also try and look around for other options before you pick one person because you need to have a level of trust before you let someone work inside your home, especially if you have kids.

A quick tip is to go for someone who has already worked for someone you know, which will relieve you of the extra burden of being extra vigilant.

Final Thoughts:

Now that you have a checklist to go through, you have a better idea of what you need and how you should go. Always remember that in case of renovations, less is still more.

You need to know that your bathroom should look like a part of your house in general. Your bathroom shouldn’t look like a room out of Buckingham palace while you have an average cozy vibe throughout the house.

So, try not to go overboard and follow the points mentioned earlier. Good luck renovating (God knows you’ll need all the success you can get)

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