Home is the ultimate place where we should be able to rest without worry after a long and tiring day. It is supposed to keep you safe from any harm. But at the same time, though it is your perfect sanctuary, you never know that probably your house is not as safe as you might think it will be. It may be able to protect you from the outside, but on the contrary, the inside might contain something that can affect your overall health without you even realizing it!

7 Things In Your Home That Can Cause Serious Harm For Your Health

Lots of things inside the house can harm you. You may suddenly get infected with viruses and thus suffer from an illness, because of the things inside your house that you never even thought could harm you.  Read for the full detail below, to know some of the things inside your house that need proper care. Health is the number one priority, thus doing a prevention scout to keep it on the good side is definitely worthwhile!

Mold Issues

Mold issues are one of the most common problems that you don’t realize is growing inside of your house. It is also very dangerous for your health because mold spores can cause respiratory diseases. Every once in a while you should do a quick check-up on your house wall to see whether there are any mold-spot-like growing. Mold usually will also produce a musty smell around the area, thus it will be easy for you to identify it. When you find that your house is infested by mold, you should immediately get rid of it. You can do it by yourself by spraying hydrogen peroxide on the mold before scrubbing it away. But if you are worried about doing it yourself, you should contact a professional to help you out.


Exposure to dampness inside your house can eventually take a toll on your respiratory system. To prevent this problem from getting worse, you should purchase a dehumidifier or fix any leaks in your house. These two can help to minimize dampness, thus you will be able to breathe easily and comfortably inside your home.

Dust Mites

Dust mites are the ultimate nightmare for anyone with allergies or skin issues. It can make their condition worse if they are exposed to dust mites. To minimize any dust mites in your house, you should regularly wash your bedding with a hot cycle and do vacuuming daily.

Dirty Carpet

Using a carpet inside your house can make it look fancier, warm, and more welcoming. But to ensure that it won’t be a breeding ground of dust and dirt, you should pay attention to its cleanliness. For regular cleaning, you should vacuum your carpet daily. But once a month you should also hire a professional to shampoo and do deep cleaning for your carpet. Finding carpet cleaners is not hard. You can shoot a quick search on google and immediately find lots of recommendations along with reviews from past customers easily. 

Toxic Cleaning Products

Cleaning the house is indeed important, but choosing the products for the cleaning is also as important. Many cleaning products that we usually purchase in conventional stores contain harmful chemicals that can cause allergies or skin issues, especially for sensitive people. Instead of buying these carcinogenic products, it is better to instead do DIY to create your own cleaning products with the natural ingredients that you can find in the kitchen.

Air Conditioner

If you install an air conditioner in your house, but you don’t change its filter on a regular basis, it can be very dangerous for you and your family. Dirty air conditioner filters can make your home wind up with polluted air that is full of dust and debris. If you get exposed to it, it can cause your allergies to flare up. In the long run, it can even cause serious damage to your respiratory system. Therefore, you should always make notes to replace your air conditioner filter as often as instructed. 

Carbon Monoxide 

Carbon monoxide poisoning is scary and dangerous! Because oftentimes we don’t realize it happened until it’s too late. Thus, carbon monoxide is often dubbed as the silent killer. It can leak from various things in the house, such as water heaters and furnaces.

Carbon monoxide poisoning happens when the level of carbon monoxide in your bloodstream rises. When this happens, your body will convert the oxygen in your red blood cells with carbon monoxide. This can cause serious health conditions, which can even lead to death! Headache, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and pain in the chest are the most typical signs of carbon monoxide poisoning. To ensure this never happens, you should install a carbon monoxide detector in your house. Thus whenever any leaks occur, you will be warned right away.

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