Grass seeding is the process of sowing or planting grass seeds. The process of sowing these seeds in the winter season is known as dormant seeding. Also, the seeds are inactive during the winter season, which gives a head start to the process. Your lawn can improvise and become all green, flashy, and beautiful.

If you live in areas with icy winters, grass seeding in winter can give you green lawns. Scattering grass seeds during snowfalls gives them a chance to settle in the soil before germinating. Subsequent periods of freezing and thawing aid the process by creating cracks.

Also, the method creates fissures for the seeds to settle before they are finally covered with levelling the ground. Ready to break through and grow in damp soil. So, you can opt for growing these seeds in colder months. Below mentioned are some tips for you to get started. 

Sprinkle Seeds Carefully

In countries where it snows a lot or the cold weather causes the snow to collect on top of the ground, make sure you clear it up. Sprinkling seeds on bare ground works well because they get embedded in the soil effectively. It doesn’t get washed away with water. 

If you sow the seeds on the snow, they may carry the seed with them when it melts. In such a case, they won’t be able to reach the soil. It is always essential to clear up the snow and sprinkle it so that it comes in contact with the ground. The snow shouldn’t hinder the process of seeding. 

Keep A Check On the Temperature

A temperature lower than 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4.44 degree Celsius) causes a smooth seeding process. In the winter, cracks and creases in the soil increase the chance of soil and seed contact. 

Also, there are higher chances of an increase in germination rates. You can check the temperature through a soil temperature map.  

Protection Is Necessary

You must have seen honey bees getting attracted to flowers. In the same way, birds and squirrels enjoy eating the grass seed. It comes as a portion of free food for them during the winter. You don’t want your effort to go in vain.

So, the best way to avoid these hungry animals is by putting a thin layer of soil over the sprinkled seeds and waiting for them to sprout in the spring season. Try following this method to keep the animals away and your grass protected. 

No Pre-Emergent Herbicide

During the process, you should remember that if you have over-seeded in the winter, it’s crucial to avoid pre-emergent herbicides. The reason is that these herbicides might kill your seeds when they sprout in spring. So, dont use herbicides. 

Have Patience

Grass seeding in winter requires a lot of patience. You need to be careful and plant it at the right time. The planting process is relatively easy and feasible. Please select the right seed, check the temperature well, and wait for it to sprout. People tend to add a lot of necessary fertilizers that result in no sprouting and growth rate. 

Moreover, A late winter sprinkle of seeds is an excellent option if you have missed out on the sowing process in early winter. 


You can sow your grass seeds in November-December or even February. All these months have an excellent sprouting rate. The month of February counts as late winter. Make sure you check all the parameters and provide an adequate amount of water. Once you’re done, sit back and wait for a green, beautiful grass to cover your lawn. 

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