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5 Skincare Heroes For A Flawless Face

Having great skin is at the top of everyone’s list but achieving it can sometimes be tricky unless you already have a great routine nailed. Understanding what products to use can seem like a minefield and knowing your retinol from your AHAs can be confusing. Fear not, we’re here to help!

5 Skincare Heroes For A Flawless Face

Check out our list of must-haves below to add to your repertoire.

1. Cleanser

Making sure you start with a squeaky-clean base is vital to any skincare routine. If you’re a makeup lover then opt for a double cleanse system. Start with an oil or balm cleanser to remove all makeup and then follow with a gentle exfoliating cleanser to get rid of all traces of dirt, bacteria, and impurities.

2. Toner

A hydrating toner will keep your skin glowy and fresh looking, so make sure you’re each it in both your day and night routine. Your toner should not be used as the last step of makeup removal so make sure that your skin is totally clean before application. If you have sensitive skin search for a toner with minimal or no additional scent to avoid irritating your face.

3. Targeted Ingredients

The actives and ingredients you use will depend on your skincare goals and needs. If you’re fearful of aging and want to reduce signs of fine lines and small wrinkles then retinol will be your new best friend. You can use an over-the-counter serum for smaller lines, or see a dermatologist for a prescription for stronger retinoids to help eliminate some of your bigger lines.

Niacinamide is a lifesaver if you suffer from redness and acne scarring, its high volume of vitamin B3 also helps reduce the visibility of pores so will leave your skin’s texture looking great after a few months of continuous use!

Hyaluronic Acid plumps your skin as it increases the water content, meaning it can help with fine lines and offers a ton of hydration to your face. Apply day and night to keep your face looking youthful and soft. Just remember to lock all of that hydration in with an occlusive moisturizer.

4. Moisturiser

A Good Quality Moisturiser can help solve all of life’s problems. Pick the right one for your skin type whether you’re dry, oily, or sensitive as it’s hard to find a good all-rounder. Dry skin types can use a thicker, richer cream to add moisture, whereas oily skin types would benefit more from a lightweight gel product that doesn’t overload the skin too much. Moisturizers with ceramides are great for all skin types as they help repair and rebuild the skin’s barrier.

5. SPF

SPF is vital for all skin types to keep your face safe all year round. Whether your skin tone is fair or dark, the sun can have a hugely negative effect on all skin and can contribute to early aging and of course skin cancer. Slather on SPF each morning and then reapply several times a day. You should be using at least factor 50 to ensure you’re getting maximum protection.

Which of these skincare heroes will you be adding to your beauty routine? Share in the comments!

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