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5 DIY Ways To Make Your Kitchen Look More Organised

In most homes, the kitchen is an area of the home that gets used more often than most other areas. So it stands to reason that if your kitchen were more organized and simple to use, your life would feel easier. Here are 5 ways to make your kitchen look more organized.

1. Clean Out Your Refrigerator

Slide-out shelves and bins. Clean the inside of the fridge with a solution of two tablespoons baking soda and one-quart hot water. (Food absorbs odors, so it’s best to use unscented mild cleaners.)

Rinse with a damp cloth, then dry with a towel. Soak the removable sections in the same solution; scrub, rinse, and dry. Wipe the doors with a cloth dampened with mild soap and water. Give the areas around the handles special attention, as they are often smudged with fingerprints.

2. Organize the Pantry

Whether your pantry is in a kitchen cabinet, a small freestanding shelf, a space under the stairs, or even if you are lucky enough to have a large walk-in butler’s pantry, organization of the pantry area will be key for an inspiring kitchen.

Create organizational solutions with baskets to corral items and clear jars with labels for easy identification of bulk pantry goods. Keep items used less often on the top shelves, and move your every day or regularly used items within reach.

3. Cabinets Clean up

When organizing your cabinets, first take everything out of the drawers and cabinets, and then consider each item. Are there plates, mugs, glasses, or utensils that you never use?

Donate them. If they are chipped or broken, get rid of them. Do you only use six plates on a regular basis, but have 12 plates in your cabinet? Consider packing up the extra six and storing them in your attic or basement.

While the cabinets are empty, clean them. Remove crumbs and dust. Then wipe down the inside of the cabinets by spraying a household cleaner onto a clean cloth and wiping all hard surfaces.

4. Use Lazy Susans

A fun organizing hack we saw in a few Banff homes for sale was to utilize Lazy Susans which work wonders on high shelves in the pantry and other hard-to-reach places.

The rotating plate makes it easy to find items without having to contort yourself stretching for them. Keep cleaning products organized on a lazy Susan under the sink. The rotating tray is ideal for placing large containers you’d rather not haul too far, like bleach or vinegar (that household wonder-worker). 

5. Cooking Caddy

Keep condiments and spices in an easy-to-carry rack to free up countertop space. You always want salt, cooking oils and your favorite spices next to the stove because you use them every day.

But they don’t have to take up valuable counter space full time. Place them all in a caddy that you can instantly stow in a cabinet after cooking. You’ll find caddies in various shapes, sizes and prices at any store that sells kitchenware. 

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