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Things You Need To Have In Your Bathroom

As much as we invest our time in designing the bathroom, a full stock of bathing essentials is equally important.  If you do not want to have clutter in your bathrooms, then probably one of the best things that you can possibly do is to pare down the belongings that you have.

This needs to be done as the area of this part of the house needs to be absolutely serene and practical enough so that you can be ready in a jiffy on one of those busy mornings. One other thing that has to be factored in is that these types of hazards have the potential to be a hazard around the area of your bathroom as well. 

If your bathroom is kind of a mess and you always seem to be at a loss with regards to finding the things you need, then you are in particular need of this list. It will help guide you and tell you which items exactly should be kept in the bathroom and what should be placed elsewhere in the house. 

One thing that you definitely need to have in your bathroom are bathroom tiles. Not only are they practical for bathrooms but they really add a lot of beauty and elegance to your space as well. 

Make Sure These Items Are Stored

There are some items that are just made for the bathroom exclusively. These are things that you mainly use within the confines of your bathroom, things like your toothbrush or your shampoo. 

It just makes sense to have these items be stored in the bathroom. Also, even though you might sometimes dry your hair in your bedroom, it might be more convenient to have it placed in the bathroom alongside all your other hair products. Other things that need to be available in the bathroom include the following:

Toiletries: All your items like toothbrush, toothpaste, facial moisturizers, mouthwash, face wash, contact, eye cream, and also contact solution should ideally be kept in the bathroom.

These things should also be placed as close as possible to the sink and any and all extra supplies need to go under the sink if there is room available. If there are too many toiletries within a particular spot then it can become really cluttered. So, it is usually a good idea to keep them to an absolute minimum. 

Towels: You should store all face cloths and hand towels as well in a particular drawer in order to keep them close and also so that they do not topple over. Bath towels should be kept in the linen closet. In any case, towels should be kept close by.

If you, for instance, have any guests coming over to your house, it may be a good idea to keep the towels in a more visible part of the bathroom so that the guests do not need to wonder where it could possibly be. 

Shower Supplies: All kinds of razors, body wash, shaving creams, bar soaps, shampoo, conditioner, and just about anything else that you may use in the shower or the tub, should be kept close by in the bathroom. You can even use tall shower caddies owing to the fact that it uses up vertical space so fantastically well. 

Flat iron, Hairdryer, Curler: Products that you may use for styling your hair including things such as a hairdryer, curling iron, and flat iron as well are generally stored in the bathroom as well.

This is after the place where these items are made use of. Hang them if you can, it will make it much easier to reach these essential items. However, a lot of people do not want to see the products they use for their hair just lie out in the open. If you have a drawer available you can keep these things there or you can even try the cabinet door right underneath the sink. 

Toilet paper: If you do have some space under the sink, then you should store your toilet paper there. If you happen to have enough room to keep a basket on the floor, then you can keep your toilet paper there.

Think about it, how many times have you not gotten toilet paper when you really needed it. There isn’t a much more frustrating feeling, is there? Therefore, keep it somewhere close by so that you can easily find it when there is a need for it. 

A Kit Containing First Aid Materials: Make sure that all the first aid stuff you have, can be found easily by anyone if they are given the proper directions. A particularly smart idea may be to keep it in any one of the bottom drawers you have in the bathroom. In this way, you can just shout, “bottom drawer on the right,” if the need arises. 

Storage Potential

It is a very unfortunate thing, but the fact of the matter is that unlimited bathroom space is just not a real thing. If you happen to not have a separate linen closet, then it might also make sense for you to keep any extra bed sheets within the bathroom and also near your towels.

It is exactly for this reason that items that fall within this category need to be based individually based on the type of lifestyle you lead and also the space in your home. 

Jewelry:  You can try putting your everyday jewelry items that you use, such as your earrings or your watch, in a small tray right next to the sink. 

Make-up for special occasions: You could possibly be able to keep all of the makeup that you have in one particular spot, but many people have much larger collections of these things.

If that is the case, you want to make sure that your special makeup and your everyday makeup is not kept at the same exact spot. This will solve a lot of things including time and also, energy. 

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