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How You Can Get Rid of Your Back Pain

As you start leaving your youth ages behind, back pain seems to become your constant companion. Also, it doesn’t even matter of age, as anyone can suffer from back pain at any time.

And it doesn’t depend on anything specific, even something as simple as not sitting properly can cause you back pain. But you should know that it is so common that up to 80% of adults all over the world experience back pain at least once in their life. 

Even though back pain mostly wears off automatically, it might always not be the case. Sometimes it can be something really serious. And make you go through immense pain, and might affect your plans and interrupt your whole day.

So, you can’t always ignore your back pain, and you might need to take proper measures to get rid of your back pain. There are several ways you can relieve your back pain all by yourself at home. Let’s look at the measures you can go through for getting rid of back pain.

Getting Enough Sleep

Based on many studies, lack of sleep can worsen one’s back pain problems. It can really affect the pain, and if you have sleeping disorders that can be even more problematic for you.

Also, the wrong size of pillows, uncomfortable mattresses, etc. can cause a lack of sleep and lead to back pain. Moreover, the unpleasant way of lying down can cause back pain all by itself. If you lie down in an uncomfortable and unusual position while sleeping, you might get back pain.

So, good back alignment and good comfort are essential for having quality sleep and avoiding back pain in the morning. Make sure the pillow you are using is strong enough to keep your back and neck straight.

If you sleep on your side, then you should put an additional pillow between your knees. An adult person needs 7-9 hours of sleep on average, so make sure that you are getting enough sleep for yourself. And if you are suffering from any sleeping disorder, then contact a doctor, so it can be treated. Getting enough sleep will help you to get rid of back pain.

Stretching Your Body

You can always start your day by stretching a bit, as after you get awake, you can sluggishly stretch your arms over your head lying on your lower back, to get up your upper back while still in bed.

Get your hand backs to the previous position after holding the position for some seconds, and after that bend your knee and bring it towards your chest. It’s better if you can gently squeeze your knee towards your chest and embrace it for a few seconds. 

After putting your leg back on the mattress, do it with your other leg. But always remember not to do this if you already have pain. And do the stretching gently and easily, not in a hard and painful manner.  

Finally, use your arms to position yourself straight, where you can move your legs over the edge of the bed. And then get up slowly from the bed and breathe deeply.

Taking Light Therapy

Light therapy has recently become one of the most popular therapies as it can provide you with various benefits and remedies. It is very well-known to deal with various physical problems, along with some mental problems too.

Light therapy can help a person with different kinds of pains, injuries, and wounds. Especially with joint pains, and pains in other muscles and bones. So yes, light therapy can very much help you with your back pain. 

For that, you will have to expose your back to the light coming out of a light therapy device for quite some time, and you might have to do it on a regular basis until you are alright.

The light will penetrate deep into the muscle tissue of your body. It will cause an increase in metabolism in the cells, and trigger the recovery process by which healing is stimulated in the muscles, bones, skin, and subcutaneous tissue.

Accelerating the healing process will only relieve your pain faster but also help reduce inflammation by improving local blood circulation and eliminating muscle spasms.

Applying Cold and Heat Therapy

If you combine cold and heat therapy to treat your back pain, it can bring in excellent results. If your back pain is severe, and if it is caused by an injury, then cold therapy is needed first.

Dropping the body temperature will help to constrict the blood vessels, reduce inflammation, and lessen swelling. After the inflammation is gone, apply heat therapy to your back.

When you apply heat, it improves muscle movements, soft tissue flexibility, and general back function. The heat stimulates blood circulation in the lower back and provides healing nutrients to injured tissue consequently.

You need to continue using heat therapy for several hours or days to advance tissue healing and avoid recurrence of pain.

Avoiding Prolonged Static Posture

It is one of the most essential things you need to do while having back pain. It is important to pay attention to your muscles and joints of the spine and hip. You can avoid stress on these joints by simply avoiding sitting excessively or using a standing desk while working. As when you sit for hours continuously, the pressure increases on your spinal disc.

Try standing up every hour and stretching your body, or walking a short distance to remove the load from your discs.

Check your posture and adjust the alignment of your back, shoulders, and neck to avoid straining your spine. Poor and unsupported posture can lead to different back problems that will cause or increase pain.

Rotate activities to prevent the same set of muscles and joints from getting too tired. if you are standing and working for a while, consider moving to another activity where you can sit. You can get back on your feet once your joints and muscles have had the chance to relax.

Final Words

Back pain can get really annoying and unbearable at times, so you might want to do anything to get rid of it. So, make sure to go through these simple tasks, and hopefully, these will keep you safe from suffering any kind of back pain.

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