Creating the Illusion of Space – Making Small Rooms Seem Bigger with Mirrors

There is a possibility that you have struggled with a lack of space and storage at one time or another. I was fascinated to learn recently that the living rooms of new builds are nearly a third smaller than equivalent homes built in the 1970s, and this highlights the challenges facing today’s property owners.

While this is not always ideal, there are steps that you can take to create the illusion of space in your home and make it appear bigger. You can do it by yourself.

home lightening projects2

When used in the right ways, mirrors can definitely help you to achieve this aim and create a more open living environment. Here are some creative ideas to help you on your way:

Use Full Length Mirrors Where Possible

One of the main benefits of mirrors is that they reflect any natural light that enters your home, creating a light and airy living space that is far more appealing.

To fully capitalise on this, I’d definitely recommend investing in larger mirrors where possible, with suppliers like Cox & Cox offering a particularly wide range of full-length products.

This ensures that you capture as much natural light as possible in any given space, making each individual room appear larger and more open than it actually is.

If your budget doesn’t stretch to large or full-length mirrors, you could consider buying smaller products and grouping these together. These can be paired creatively and combined in specific spaces, while you can also paint their individual frames the same colour to suit the décor.

Place your Mirrors Strategically in the Home

Location is everything when using mirrors in your home, and you’ll need to place reflective surfaces strategically if you’re to enjoy their full effects.

One idea is to place a small mirror behind your stove or hob, as this creates a unique angle of light that can illuminate a typically dark and dingy space. This has practical benefits too, as it helps you to work more effectively in the kitchen and prepare meals with far greater ease.

Of course, any reflective surface behind your stove runs the risk of attracting grease and dirt over time, so you’ll need to clean your mirror regularly if it’s to work effectively.

Placing a larger mirror next to the dining room table is also a good idea, as this allows for the use of softer lighting at meal time while ensuring that the area remains bright!

Get Creative and Turn Mirrors on their Side

Not all mirrors have been created equal, and in some instances products create a greater sense of space simply be the way that they’re featured in the home.

This is particularly true in the case of wall mirrors, as the shape and the size of the product will change how you perceive the area of a wall or room.

By hanging a long and slim mirror on the wall, for example, you can make the ceiling appear higher and create a more open space.

If you want to get really creative, you could even turn this type of mirror on its side, as this will make any wall instantly appear longer and create a greater sense of floor space.

We hope you enjoyed these DIY home improvement ideasFor more such DIY Home decor ideas keep visiting our website.

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