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How to Maintain Your HVAC System to be Cost Efficient

Many people don’t realize that they can save on their heating and cooling simply by maintaining their HVAC systems throughout their lives and by following a few basic tips for optimizing your system’s functions. 

While some maintenance may seem unnecessary at the time, preventive care can help you save hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in heating bills and costly repair or replacement. 

What Kind of HVAC System do you Have?

First, you need to know what kind of HVAC system you have. There are four basic types: central HVAC systems, ductless, or mini-split systems, hybrid HVAC systems, and geothermal systems. 

-Central HVAC systems—central HVAC systems can be either split or single units. The main difference is whether or not there is an outdoor and indoor unit, or if there is just one main outdoor unit. In split systems, the outdoor unit contains the compressor, condenser, and a fan, while the systems evaporator and air handling unit is placed above the furnace indoors. For a single-unit system, all the major components are contained in a single outdoor unit. Both kinds of systems use air ducts that run through the house’s exterior walls to pull in air to be conditioned before redistributing the air back throughout the house.

-Ductless Systems—ductless, or mini-split HVAC systems work like split central HVAC systems, but without the ducts. Because of this, ductless HVAC systems are only really effective at conditioning the air of one room per unit. 

-Hybrid—hybrid HVAC systems work by alternating between using two different energy sources which in turn can significantly save in both energy and cost. The two methods used are usually an electric pump and a fuel-run furnace. These systems are reversible if a heat pump is used, making them usable for heating and cooling. 

-Geothermal—geothermal systems work by pulling heat from the ground or redistributing house heat back into the ground. They contain an extensive infrastructure of coils, buried vertically or in horizontal loops. They also use an air handling unit of some kind to move the air around, but these will vary. 

Average Life of an HVAC System

The life of any HVAC system depends on the system type and whether or not it gets regularly serviced. A well-maintained central, hybrid, or ductless HVAC system can last anywhere from 10 to 15 years. A geothermal system’s pump can last up to 20 years and the underground infrastructure can last 50 years or more.

HVAC systems are expensive and require a lot of energy to run. That’s why ensuring that your HVAC system runs as efficiently as possible is essential. HVAC service companies such as AC Aircare can help you perform regular maintenance on your system. They’ll clean the coils, inspect the ductwork, and ensure all the components work correctly. This will help your HVAC system run more efficiently, saving you money on your energy bill. In addition, HVAC service companies can also provide you with tips on how to improve the efficiency of your HVAC system. Following their advice, you can keep your HVAC system running smoothly for years.

Reasons an HVAC System Might Not be Working Optimally

There are two primary reasons why your HVAC system isn’t working as efficiently as it could. 

-House leaks. A commonly overlooked reason for increased energy bills or unreliable heating or cooling for your HVAC system is because your house is leaking air in or out, making it hard for your system to maintain a given temperature. Common leak places are window frames and door frames or seals. For an HVAC system to work optimally you will need to make sure that your house is well-sealed. 

-Lack of maintenance. Another common issue has to do with a lack of regular maintenance. As your system works and ages, it will suffer from wear and use and if it is not routinely serviced, this can lead to your system’s overworking. This in turn will lead to increased energy bills, sometimes even drastically so. 

Ways to Ensure Your HVAC System’s Runs Optimally

One of the number one ways to ensure your system runs well is to have it regularly serviced, ideally twice a year with the changing seasons. This not only ensures that your system is clean and prepared to run effectively with the coming season, but it also ensures that any potential issues are caught early on before they become serious. This can save you hundreds and thousands of dollars in replacements in the future. 

Another way to help your system work its best is to seal up your house. Make sure window and door frames are sound and that they remain closed as much as possible if your system is running. If you have drafty rooms (attics or basements) consider sealing the interior door gaps so that they are less likely to affect the overall conditioning of the house. 

Lastly, get in the habit of checking for trouble signs in your HVAC system. Know what to look for and when to call to have an issue checked out. Be aware of when something seems off and don’t put it off or ignore it.

Signs Your HVAC System is in Need of Repair 

A few of the common warning signs that something may be wrong with your HVAC system include—

-Trouble controlling the temperature of the house or there is uneven heat distribution

-There is little to no air blowing through the vents

-There are strange sounds or noises coming from any of the components or units in your system

-There are strange smells coming from your system

-The thermostat doesn’t work properly

-The humidity levels are off, either too high or unusually low

-The system is blowing the wrong temperature air

-There are water or refrigerant leaks

-The system is constantly running, never cycling off

-The system is short-cycling 

-The vents, registers, ducts, and filters are unusually dusty

-There is an unexpected rise in the electric or fuel bill

When it’s Time to Call an HVAC Contractor

If your HVAC system doesn’t run optimally, it will cost you, both in money and in comfort. It is important to call an HVAC contractor as soon as you notice an issue so that it can be addressed right away. Williams Comfort Air addresses all issues in heating and cooling in all the major HVAC systems and would be a trustworthy and professional company to choose to hire. They can handle repairs and replacements, but they can also do maintenance work and checkups on your HVAC system. 

Your comfort and the efficiency of your heating and cooling system are very important so always be sure to research contractors and companies thoroughly to ensure they are certified and experienced to do work with your HVAC system. 

A well-maintained HVAC system will run optimally providing both efficiency in cost and reliability in comfort for years to come.

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