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How To Keep Your Home Totally Zen

With the virtual chaos that accompanies everyday living, the art of being zen can feel elusive and impossible even in its simplicity. It can be difficult knowing where to even begin when it comes to cultivating a zen lifestyle.

Yet there’s a fair amount of knowledge on the importance that our home environments can hold on our own psyche, and so the most natural place to start in your pursuit of zen is actually right at home. Here are a few small ways you can keep your home totally zen.

Clean and fresh

A steam cleaner is an incredibly valuable cleaning tool as it ensures that your home attains a level of refreshment that honestly can’t be matched by other cleaning products.

The main reason for this is that steam cleaners are able to make your surfaces shine whilst simultaneously killing germs and purifying your home’s air too, which is why steam cleaners are becoming a favourite amongst people with prominent dust and pollen allergies.

Not only is cleaning with steam a greener alternative to using harsh chemical cleansers, but steam cleaning can also aid in keeping your home’s interior environment and air quality positively fresh, which will, in turn, make your interior space a pleasant atmosphere to breathe in and out, allowing for zen principles to kick in with virtually zero effort on your part.

Natural elements

A huge part of being zen is simplicity and prioritising neutrality over excessive visual noise. You can easily introduce zen living into your home by revisiting your decor. Always opt for natural elements like reflective surfaces, light and natural woods, and other modestly dynamic textures like wicker and silk. It’s also a good rule of thumb to prioritise natural light sources over artificial lights.

You can do this by investing in some sheer, flowing curtains, and introducing potted plants like ferns and succulents into your home. There are numerous physical and emotional health benefits to both natural light and indoor greenery. Introducing these homes is yet another way you will be able to experience a myriad of positive effects that zen living can yield.

Be mindful of clutter

Finally, being zen means allowing your mental space to stay free from unnecessary clutter, and the best way to ensure this is by maintaining an innate orderliness within your interior environments.

There are extensive guides out there to decluttering your home, and a lot of them can be quite heavy-duty whilst some can be gentle reminders to be mindful of what sparks joy, and what simply doesn’t. The one constant amidst all these various methods is that you absolutely have to revisit your chosen method for decluttering at regular periods of time.

This means that you should definitely get into the habit of being actively mindful of your home environment and the objects or elements that are around you at all times.

A fantastic way of ensuring that this zen practice becomes second nature is by ceasing the very human habit of multi-tasking and engaging in needless distractions.

For most families, this can be achieved through small changes like no longer watching TV during mealtimes, or playing music in the bathroom.

Allow yourselves to practice mindfulness, engage with the modest blisses of silence, and really stay present in whatever space you’re in and whatever task you’re doing. You’ll find that the more you do this, the easier zen living will become.

You’ll find that zen principles will make themselves apparent even during your pursuit of zen. This phenomenon in itself is reflective of how simple and easy adopting this lifestyle can be. So embrace the small changes as they come, and take comfort in the fact that you’re nurturing healthy habits.


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