If you have a few rooms in your home that are full of clutter, don’t worry. It’s possible to get rid of clutter without too much effort. Clutter can get in the way, and make rooms look smaller while also making them look untidy. However, with a bit of work, you too could have a home that’s clutter-free. Here’s how. 

how to clean unwanted clutter

Plan What You’re Going to Do With Unwanted Items . What would you like to do with your unwanted items? This is something that you need to consider before you make a start on anything.

You could, for example: 

  • Throw away anything that’s broken 
  • Give your unwanted coat to a friend 
  • Donate your unwanted ornaments to a charity.

When you keep hold of those items you no longer want or need, clutter can build up. However, you don’t have to discard everything: 

  • Keep those boots that make you taller and wear them on special occasions
  • Place your favorite hat in a box and store it until someone else gets married 
  • Hold onto those childhood toys that have great sentimental value 
  • Keep those beautiful photo frames that contain photographs you love

You can still keep a few items. Don’t try to get rid of everything you own as you may regret it. Simply get rid of the things you no longer use or like. 

Do One Room at a Time

If you’re feeling overwhelmed at the prospect of decluttering your home, try not to worry. You can easily make things manageable. 

Do one room at a time so it doesn’t seem like you have lots to do. Start at one end of your home and work your way through. Concentrate on one room at a time or one area of your home at a time (Such as the hallway). 

Try not to start on another room until you have finished the one you’re currently working on. It can be tempting to work on another room. However, it means you’re less likely to declutter the room you started with. 

How to Begin 

So, where to begin? Where can you make a start? Here’s how: As soon as you’ve chosen which room or area you’re going to work on start by clearing the flat surfaces. When you do, your room will look better much more quickly. Start on those surfaces and give them a dust once you’re done. 

Get rid of any duplicates that you come across. You don’t need 3 pairs of jeans that look the same. You probably won’t use those duplicate bottles of perfume that have been sat there for 2 years. Remove those duplicates and anything else you no longer need or use. Spend 15 minutes clearing the clutter and then take a break.


After a 5 to 10 minute break, you’re likely to have re-evaluated what you’ve already done. Chances are, you’ll see that you have made some good progress. Now it’s time for you to get back to it. Spend another 15 minutes clearing the clutter before taking a break. Once you’ve decluttered the area, be sure to clean it so that it looks fresh and looked after again. 

Wait No Longer Than 6 Months 

While you’re working on your home you are likely to come across items that you’re not sure what to do with. Perhaps you don’t want to give them away but you don’t know if you want to keep them. Here’s what to do in this instance.

  1. Place the items in a bag or box
  2. Keep the bag or box in the attic or the spare room
  3. Leave the items where they are for no longer than 6 months
  4. If in 6 month’s time you have not used them, you need to get rid of them
  5. Donate these items to charity or give them to someone you know

While this may seem a little brutal, getting rid of the things you no longer use makes sense. There could be someone out there who will adore those items. Let them have the chance to fall in love with them while you get used to having a less cluttered home. 

Deal With Paper Clutter

As you’re decluttering your home you may come across piles of paper. The paper could be filed away or recycled. Insurance documents, bank statements, and anything else that’s of value should be filed away.

When you file important pieces of paper away, you’re more likely to find them quickly the next time you need them. Use the above tips to help you to get rid of your unwanted clutter. While it might take a bit of work to clear your clutter, when it’s done you may feel happier. Clear your clutter away now so your home is a more pleasant place for you to spend time in. 

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