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How to Create an Inexpensive Kitchen Make-Over

Are you finding that your kitchen is looking pretty tired and dull and in need of a complete make-over?

Complete kitchen renovations are very expensive, however, you’ll be surprised to discover how easy and inexpensive it can be to invigorate your old kitchen, creating a brand new feel and look.

After all, the kitchen is the heart of any property, creating a personal space that you can call home. These easy steps will help you in creating an appealing look from your old kitchen.


A New Door Look

Kitchen cabinet doors are the most prominent feature of any kitchen and it is often the doors that show the greatest wear and tear, in comparison, the kitchen units may still seem relatively new.

A simple and easy way to uplift your kitchen is to paint your old kitchen doors, you’ll find a good paint will transform your old worn outdoors into a look which you desire, from a sanded down country feel to a silk-smooth polished look, anything is possible with paint.

If painting is not the solution then you may find that installing new doors would be the next least expensive solution. By keeping your kitchen units, you’ll save on the cost of having the whole kitchen installed and if you are a handy DIY person then you will be able to change the doors yourself.

Keep a lookout for ongoing sales; you can usually pick up a bargain when styles are being discontinued.

Door Handles

Door handles are the most important finishing touch in creating the overall atmosphere of any kitchen, whether you want to go for a traditional look or a sleek minimalistic style, handles can completely transform the look of a door.

You can choose from door handles or doorknobs alternatively you can opt for the push-button feature which requires is handleless and will give your kitchen door a ‘free-feel’ finish.

Door knobs are generally used for creating a traditional style kitchen suitable for shaker doors, allowing for an easier grip in opening doors and drawers. 

Kitchen door handles come in hundreds of shapes and sizes and are the single most important factor in creating a desired kitchen look. You will be spoilt for choice but it is very important to understand your kitchen space and design.

A handle in a showroom may seem very pleasing but when it is fitted in your kitchen, could give a totally different feel and look. Spend some time to select a handle which will suit your need.

You may also want to consider factors which add to the functionality of the kitchen, for example, how suitable and safe are the handles in your home if you have disabled people or little children?


You may find that all your kitchen may need to create a desired look and atmosphere is a change of lighting. Lighting is extremely important in creating the mood of your kitchen.

There are many different placement of lighting around your kitchen, each creating a different effect.

You could install under wall lighting, which not only helps in light up the work surface but it can also create a relaxed atmosphere, whereas, plinth lighting could create a very subtle candlelit style mood.

Ceiling lighting is an important feature in creating a look from traditional to modernity; LED spotlights can help save a lot of money.

You may want to try adding pendant lighting in your kitchen, different levels of pendants can give a feeling of openness; especially a pendant over the island can bring increased focus to that area. Whatever you decide, remember lighting should be functional in creating the desired effect for you. 

Wall Tiles and Splashbacks

Tiles are an essential feature in determining the ideal look of a kitchen. The size, colour, design all give personality to the kitchen. They are so important in attracting the first glance.

Could it be that your kitchen can do with just a change in colour or design of the tiles? You may find that you had selected a design or colour which once suited your mood and aesthetics but over the years, your style has changed and these no longer appeal to you.

You can change the look of your tiles by simply painting and redesigning. To begin with, use a base paint to paint over the existing design, you may need to apply more than one coat.

You can then use a stencil and sponge to create your own design or you could use the stick on motifs, which come in a variety of colours and designs. This is a very cheap way of changing the look and feel of your tiles.

If this doesn’t work then you could think of adding a splashback instead of replacing the tiles. Splashbacks give a modern feel to the kitchen and come in colours and textures which match the worktops. They are also much easier to fit than the tiles.

You’ll find you can be quite creative in uplifting your kitchen, a spot of paint will not go a miss and adding some personal features such as wall art or a clock could go a long way in changing the feel of your kitchen. We hope you will have fun in creating a new look out of your old kitchen.

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