Borax, also known as sodium tetraborate, is a naturally occurring mineral mined from the ground. In powder form, Borax appears as white or colorless crystals.
Historically, Borax has been used for laundry and cleaning purposes. Today, it has many additional uses around the home.
Here are a few ways you can use Borax around the house.
Get Rid of Rust
Borax is very effective at removing rust from various items. To create a rust-removing solution, mix 1 cup of Borax with 2 cups of warm water and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Apply the paste to rusted items, let it sit for 15 minutes, then rinse and scrub away the rust. For stubborn rust, apply a second coating and let it sit for another 15 to 20 minutes before scrubbing.
Pest Control

Borax is highly effective at keeping away cockroaches, ants, mice, water bugs, and other household pests.
Here’s how you can make a DIY Borax Pest Treatment: Mix equal parts of borax and regular sugar. Begin treatment by placing the mixture under stoves, refrigerators, or sinks, as these are common hiding places for pests.
Important: Always ensure that children and pets are not present when applying borax to avoid accidental ingestion or contact.
Borax Toilet Bowl Cleaner
You can use borax to effectively clean your toilet bowl with these two methods:
Method 1: Simple Borax Treatment – Before bed, sprinkle a cup of borax around the toilet bowl and a bit inside the bowl itself. Let it sit overnight to break down stains, mold, and mildew. In the morning, scrub the toilet bowl with a brush and flush to remove any rings, odors, and buildup.
Method 2: Borax and Vinegar Solution – Bring 1 cup each of water and white vinegar to a boil, then dissolve 1 cup of borax in the mixture. After cooling, add 20 drops of lemon essential oil, pour the solution into the toilet bowl, and swish with a brush to coat the walls. Let it sit overnight, then scrub and flush for a sparkling clean toilet in the morning.
Borax as an All-Purpose Cleaner

Mix 2 tablespoons of Borax with 2 cups of hot water to create an all-purpose cleaner. Pour the solution into a spray bottle to clean and shine your kitchen and bathrooms. This Borax cleaner is inexpensive and effective for cleaning bathtubs, stoves, and other surfaces.
Renew Your Old China
Revitalize your old china by soaking it in a sink filled with warm water and ½ cup of Borax. Let the dishes soak for at least 30 minutes, then rinse and wash as usual. This simple soak removes dinginess and restores shine without the need for scrubbing.
Boost Laundry with Borax
Add about ½ cup of Borax to your laundry to enhance detergent performance, brighten and whiten clothes, deodorize, and remove stains. For coffee or tea stains, soak the clothing in a mixture of ½ cup Borax and warm water for 30 minutes before laundering. Borax also softens hard water, making it effective at removing hard water stains from clothing and washing machines.
Improve Homemade Candles
Treat candle wicks by soaking them in a solution of 1 tablespoon salt and 3 tablespoons Borax dissolved in a cup of lukewarm water. Soak the twine for 24 hours, then let it dry completely before using it to make candles. This treatment helps reduce ash and smoke, allowing candles to burn cleaner.
Make Your Own Floam with Borax
Kids love floam, and you can make it at home using Borax. Mix 2 teaspoons of Borax with ¾ cup of water. In another container, mix ¼ cup of Elmer’s glue with ¼ cup of water and food coloring. Pour the glue mixture into a Ziploc bag, add 3 tablespoons of the Borax mixture, and then add 1 and 2/3 cups of polystyrene beads or other fillers. Seal the bag and knead until well mixed.
Make a Floor Cleaner
Create a floor cleaner by mixing 1 teaspoon dish detergent, 1/3 cup Borax, 1 tablespoon ammonia, and a gallon of hot water. This solution is effective on tile, linoleum, or hardwood floors, helping to remove stubborn stains and leave your floors sparkling clean.
Remove Stains from Mirrors
For a streak-free mirror, mix 3 cups of hot water with 2 tablespoons of Borax. Dip a cloth in the solution and wipe down mirrors, windows, and sliding glass doors in horizontal patterns for a clear, shiny finish.
Remove Crayon Marks from Walls
Mix 2 tablespoons Borax, 3 cups warm water, ½ cup distilled white vinegar, 6 drops grapefruit essential oil, and 1 teaspoon liquid castile soap. Use this homemade cleaner to conveniently wipe off crayon marks and keep your walls looking spotless.
Make Your Own Liquid Plumber with Borax
Unclog drains by pouring ½ cup of Borax down the drain, followed by a couple of cups of boiling water. Let it sit for at least 15 minutes, then run tap water until the clog is cleared. This method breaks down gunk and disinfects the drain, leaving it clean and smelling fresh.
Home Decor Using Borax: Borax Crystals
Create beautiful DIY Borax crystals by dissolving Borax in hot water and letting it crystallize around objects like pipe cleaners. This simple project is perfect for adding a touch of sparkle to your home decor.
DIY Slime
Make fun, squishy slime with Borax. Mix 2 teaspoons of Borax with ¾ cup of water. In another container, mix ¼ cup of Elmer’s glue with ¼ cup of water and food coloring. Combine the mixtures and add 1 and 2/3 cups of polystyrene beads. Seal the mixture in a bag and knead until well mixed.