One of the great ways to relax your mind and body is to lighten up the candles, turn on your favorite music, have a glass of wine, relax and enjoy.

To get this relax feeling you don’t need to buy expensive candles.

Because with little creativity and below tutorials you can make an expensive looking candles very easily.

Candle making is an art form that has survived for the centuries. It has become a wildly popular hobby now.

When you make handmade candles, you can create all sort of different shapes, add various fragrances, colors etc.

The very primary thing we will require is Wax.

Here are steps to make basic homemade candles:

  • Melt your Wax and add colors if you wish.
  • Put the melted wax in the desirable item
  • Add fragrance if you wish

For you, we have selected 14 best DIY candle projects from all over the internet.

Homemade candles are adorable gifts to give to your dear and near ones.

Follow below given links for step by step instruction. Light up your house, your garden with your handmade candles. 

Spread the light, spread the fragrance.

Have a wonderful time while making your candles. Cheers!!

1.) Ice Candles

how to make homemade candles diy8Check out the full DIY tutorial HERE

2.) Make Easy Gel Wax Candle

how to make homemade candles diy10Check out the full DIY tutorial HERE

3.) Crayon dipped candles

how to make homemade candles diy homemadeCheck out the full DIY tutorial HERE

4.) DIY Bird Bath Candles

how to make homemade candles diy12Check out the full DIY tutorial HERE

5.) Candles as handmade gifts

how to make homemade candles

6.) Floating Acorn Candles

how to make homemade candles diy6Check out the full DIY tutorial HERE



how to make homemade candles diy7Check out the full DIY tutorial HERE

8.) DIY Vintage Teacup Candles

how to make homemade candles diyCheck out the full DIY tutorial HE

9.) Snow Candles

how to make homemade candles diy5Check out the full DIY tutorial

10.) Make a Sand Candle

how to make homemade candles diy1Check out the full DIY tutorial HE

11.) Another Sand Candle Tutorial

how to make homemade candles diy11Check out the full DIY tutorial HE

12.) DiY Scented Candle

how to make homemade candles diy2Check out the full DIY tutorial HE


how to make homemade candles diy4Check out the full DIY tutorial HERE

14.) Easy Lemon Candles

how to make homemade candles diy3Check out the full DIY

We hope above DIY candle making tutorials will help you.

Share these tutorials with your friends and family.

Happy crafting. Keep smiling.

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