Creative people never stop making something or other to decorate their house. But to keep all that creative stuff you should have similar unique shelves too.

Mat Brown, an industrial designer, blogger and jeweler, has crafted his own unique set of stunning shelves using chestnut wood and unearthly blue glowing resin. 

The first thing that you will notice is the immense visual appeal of these shelves.

For as stunning  as these things look, they’re actually not that hard to make. Take a look at how it’s done!

First, be ready with a piece of wood with some surface imperfections: cracks, knots, and holes.

DIY Glowing Shelves Home Decor Ideas Projects


Now it’s time to make the mix the resin.

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Remember not to forget the pigmented resin that will give your shelves the glow you’re looking for

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It should look like this when it’s all mixed together.

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Tape the bottom of any holes or cracks so what you’ll be pouring into it stays put.

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Before you pour anything in, check to confirm the surface is level.

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Now start pouring! Come back to check in an hour to make sure you’re not dealing with any leakage.

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Keep it coming! You’ll want to let it be for at least a few days before you move on to the next step.

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When it’s all nice and hardened enough, remove all of the tape and start sanding.

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When you’re done with sanding, cover the wood with about eight or nine coats of oil finish of your choice.

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When the finish is dry, your shelf is now ready to glow.

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Now all that’s left is to wait for the dark and enjoy your hard work, but probably not as hard as you would have thought. Its fun to do.

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Be ready to see the results!! Its damn cool. You can never have enough glowing shelves. Never!

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