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Design 101: How Do I Choose Home Decor?

Interior design isn’t always easy. This is especially if you want to get yourself good room décor to spice things up in your living space. When you see all the staggering prices of luxury pieces, and the overwhelmingly large quantities of other accessories out there, you can easily get overwhelmed.


However, you can remove a lot of your interior design worries with a bit of planning and good approach to design. Here are some tips when you’re overwhelmed with choosing your interior decorations: 

What style approach do you want to have?

When you think of interior décor for your home, you need to think about the overall approach you want to take with your design. How do you want your living space to look like? What do you want your house to “give off” as a vibe?

This can be confusing at first, but identifying what you want your home’s “general” theme to be can definitely make it easier for you to decorate.

If you find it hard to find out your design approach or style, you can look at your closet. Think of the clothes you prefer, and you’ll likely find some relevant keywords. Do you like certain patterns or colors? How do you want yourself – and therefore your space – to feel? Do you want to be modern, streamlined, or monochromatic? Do you want to be inviting, humorous, or playful? Are you more elegant, formal, or traditional? 

Try to think about things that struck your fancy across your everyday life. Have you ever seen a house, a hotel, an establishment, or any interior of a place that really struck you as awesome? Try to incorporate elements you’ve found interesting there into your design and see if it’s something you’d want to apply to your home for the long term.

Likewise, try to figure out what you don’t want in your space. Maybe you don’t like bold and large-scale prints, or maybe you don’t want to have a wingback chair. While this can be a bit personal, exercising your freedom in eliminating factors you don’t want in your design can make your interior décor choices be freer and more personal. Knowing this beforehand can let you have a much easier time directing your long distance movers when moving around your objects as well. 

Always think about your space.

In speaking of space, don’t neglect the way space plays into the occasion when you plan your interior design. A lot of designs don’t “work” because some people didn’t take into account how the pieces will “fit together” in their space. Don’t make this mistake, as you can spend a ton of money into something that wouldn’t work. Instead, determine how much space you have and then work your way around there. 

Think about how things and elements in your decoration will be balanced in the space. If you have large room, you can allocate segments of the room for certain activities. You can have a small desk for small activities like reading. Likewise, you can have an area for people to hang out in. For smaller spaces, try to be more economical and fit essentials around a carpeted area. Always think about how elements get “distributed” and add weight to your room.

If you feel overwhelmed about your space, try to start from scratch. Don’t think about the décor first, think about the environment. Do you want wall-to-wall carpeting? Do you like stones, tiles, area rugs, or hardwood floors?

Think about your flooring, your walls, and your ceiling first. These will display your décor, so thinking about how they appear will impact the way your pieces are displayed as well. Try to formulate a color palette, and apply them to your overall space first before you decide to put your décor in. 

Incorporate patterns, textures, green design.

When it comes to making meaningful and impressive décor choices, you shouldn’t always just rely on your chosen trend or look. Having a theme is there to assist you in the overall “look” of the home.

However, it can help to be a bit creative and mixing and matching things up to add a bit of artistic flair to your home décor approach. For instance,

Try investing in art displays to set up the color palette of your house. If possible, try to choose portraits or photos you’ve made and put them up for display.

This not only gives you home a sense of “life,” but also lets people know who you, the owner, are. In speaking of color, try to make sure you choose colors that blend together. If you want décor to stick out, choose bolder colors. If you want a cleaner look, choose neutral colors. 

Add new “life” to your home by going green. Regardless of what palette of colors you choose; you can make your design elevated when you use woodwork or natural designs to your space. Bright colored walls can benefit from dark woodwork furniture or even accessories. Likewise, you can choose furniture of natural wooden patterns such as logs in order to add a bit of creative flair to any interior design. 

It’s never about price.

A lot of people assume that discounted items in department stores are of lower quality, but that’s not necessarily the case. It’s mostly a matter of managing inventory than about the quality of the items being solved.

In fact, you can even save more when you drop your Amazon returns at Kohl’s and get a discount of up to 30%. This is a great opportunity to buy something that you really love for your home but are hesitant to get because of its steep price.

While it’s true that some more expensive things look better and even have better durability, price isn’t always the ace in the hole interior designers have for good-looking pieces. You can find all sorts of décor across all price ranges if you know where to look. And mixing and matching expensive, cheap, and even antique materials can definitely spice things up for your design.

When you buy something expensive, don’t buy “too much” of it. Think about what you really need in a room that can be expensive, and buy that piece of furniture or accessory.

And then try to make your room revolve around that expensive or quality thing. This allows your room to be a “showcase” of sorts and highlight that piece of furniture or accessories.

You can find furniture and accessories for great deals not just in garage sales, but even home sales. A lot of homeowners will likely let go of their furniture and accessories during a move. And they might not be able to find a lot of buyers for these things immediately.

If you see an open house exhibit, try to see if there are furniture up for sale. You can even tour these houses around New York with your best moving company NYC or movers in other places, should you have the time. 

Look for good pieces of antiques in antique shops and stores. You might find interesting bits of furniture and accessories there that can add a new “life” to your interior design and interior décor.

Remember, it’s not just about having luxury items in your space. Sometimes, even a classic look can add a great “spice” to your home given the right approach. 

Interior Design: It’s About Personal Flair

With the above in mind, you’ll hopefully be able to find yourself in a better position to identify elements in your interior design you want to incorporate with your décor.

Remember, when it comes to choosing your interior decorations, it helps to identify what you want out of your design and slowly work your way from there.

Choose interior décor that speaks out to your inner creative persona, and incorporate that into what you want your home to give out as a general impression.

Supposing you are into history and collecting historical artifacts, you can find decorative scimitar sword collectibles as wall accents. They can say a lot about your adventurous or warrior-like character. You can display the stunning aesthetics of your scimitar (or two!) in your home to provide a bit of contrast in a space. Or you can make it blend with the rest of your décor for a more streamlined approach in interior design.

If you wish to move to your new place then Seka Moving provides residential and commercial moving services in NYC and the Tri-State area.

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