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Concerning Health Risks of Bed Bug Infestations

Like many pests around the house, bed bugs cause very little harm to furniture and are so small that people hardly notice their existence. Bed bugs are not known to cause deadly diseases nor destroy structures. However, they still pose harm to one’s lifestyle and health in the long run. You may not see or notice any damage in the short term, and if bed bugs are left alone, they can cause severe damage to a persons’ health. 

Instead, get on top of the situation and visit for professional assistance with your bed bud problems. Here are a few health risks you can face from bed bug infections.  

Infection From Scratches 

When a bed bug bites you, it leaves you with a burning urge to start scratching yourself until the urge disappears. Often, bed bugs typically bite people in bed while sleeping peacefully. Even when you’re asleep, you will unconsciously start scratching when bed bugs bite and wake up with unpleasant flesh wounds. 

The initial might have been harmless, but the open wounds will be exposed to germs and bacteria due to severe scratching, leading to severe infections. To avoid infections like boils, Impetigo, or cellulitis, treat the open wound as soon as possible, and avoid scratching any skin itches. 

Allergic Reaction to Bites 

Although bed bugs are generally regarded as harmless, people with bed bug allergic reactions are at severe and life-threatening risk. When a bed bug bites, it feeds off the host’s blood and triggers an allergic reaction. When an insect bites a hypersensitive person, they can experience an allergic reaction like anaphylactic shock, tightness of through, tightness of chest, swollen tongue or lips, and wheezing. Once a person has this severe allergic reaction, they need immediate medical attention because it is life-threatening.

Sleep Deprivation 

When a bed bug infestation is ignored and left to continue to grow, it can cause serious sleeping problems or lack of sleep thereof. The thought of crawling bugs in the bed, never-ending bites, and severe skin itching can keep anyone up all night, leaving them sleep-deprived. The biggest effect of sleep deprivation, causing dysfunction and fatigue the following day. 

When you’re deprived of sleep, you can easily cause accidents, heart diseases, impaired thinking, and loss of appetite. Sometimes without even realizing it until it’s too late, sleep deprivation can lead to poor performance at work and cause relationship problems and arguments. 


One of the biggest effects of living in a bedbug-infested home is frustration and stress. Bed bugs spread very quickly between bedsheets and curtains, and sometimes it’s hard to ignore itching from severe bites. When you’re living in a bedbug-infested environment, it can be frustrating and stressful, and both these emotions can cause health issues and emotional anxiety. There are many behavioral effects of emotional anxiety, such as smoking and drinking, which harm your immune system. 

There are many other effects of stress on a person; it increases blood pressure, heart rate and affects the digestive system. Looking at these negative impacts alone opens the door to more severe and life-threatening diseases, all because of bed bugs and unmanaged stress. Unlike mosquitos and rodents who pose an immediate and imminent danger to your life, bed bugs slowly infiltrate your body and cause serious harm over time.  


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