The wet-dry vacs are handy tools known to make cleaning a breeze. Just as the name implies, it is designed to clean up not only solid dirt or dry dust, but can also pick up liquid spills from many types of surfaces. Whether you are operating them indoors or outdoors, the wet-dry vac has proven to be more useful than the regular vacuum cleaners. 

cleaning tips

About House Cleaning with Wet Dry Vac

A wet-dry vac is a versatile tool applicable in both working environments, vehicles, garages, and especially in house cleaning. They come in different models and types, with each featuring interchangeable brushes to handle the various tasks in the home. 

Even if you already understand the fundamental ways the wet-dry vacs works, there are still some tips that can aid you in having a cleaner and better home.

Do this process frequently

Some of us see vacuuming the house as a laborious chore and time-consuming task. Instead, our focus is on the millions of things we will preferably be doing. But come to think of it, cleaning your house more often will not only keep it neat and pleasant; there are also some health and financial benefits attached to it. 

Using the wet-dry vac on your carpets and rugs traps many airborne contaminants, which in turn sustains the health. If you own a pet, frequent and complete vacuuming is compulsory, mainly to avoid the likelihood of symptom outbreaks from sensitive people.

Frequent vacuuming also keeps the rugs, carpets, and tiles well maintained, making them last longer and eliminating the cost of replacement.

Don’t hurry

Here’s something most people do not realize – rushed cleaning weakens the effectiveness of the cleaning task. And even if you clean as frequently as daily, but you rush it, you will most likely not get all the dirt or spills. Give time to check the wet-dry vac’s brush bars for trapped hair regularly during the cleaning. 

When cleaning carpets, take the time to move in different directions to loosen the dirt and keep the surface from looking worn-out.

So in the end, while you are trying to save time, you are doing it wrong. And if the aim is still not yet achieved, maybe it’s time to invest in a new wet-dry vac.

Use good Wet Dry Vac

Ideally, as a clean home falls on the top list of priorities, the wet-dry vac becomes the pride of any home. This is why investing in a good wet-dry vacuum is unnegotiable. 

Wet-dry vacs have two compartments mainly to pick up all forms of dirt, grime, debris, dust, pet droppings, and spill, which makes it the most versatile cleaning tool in the home. If your cleaning device is not able to handle these tasks, then you need a replacement.

The wet-dry vacs are generally more expensive than the regular vacuum cleaners, but a good one does not necessarily need to cost you all your savings – here you can find the best wet-dry vac under $100.

Accurate Cleaning

A better way to achieve a proper in-depth cleaning on carpets is when you slowly pull back as opposed to pushing forward. Pushing the wet-dry vac forward gets it in the right position, but it is the pullback that removes contaminants and the soil from the surface. 

When vacuuming dirt on hard floors, the wet-dry vacuum can blow around the debris. Avoid the stress by removing the dust with the vacuum’s wand attachment before you give it a second pass. 

You cannot achieve accurate cleaning if you ignore the corners in the room, because that is where most of the debris tends to stay. If you can, while vacuuming debris, use a HEPA-type bag or filter since they do an excellent job of containing the finer particles of dirt.

Keep Your Vacuum Clean

Of course, using a dirty wet-dry vac is so wrong. As frequent as you use your vacuum cleaner, washing it! Before storage, some parts of the wet-dry vac you should pay attention to are:

  • The filter: Clean both the filter cage and float after use.
  • The tank: Removing all liquid from the drum will help to avoid the revolting smells from dirty pickups and also make the machine last longer.
  • Hose and Air vents: Remove all sorts of obstructions and debris in the hose and vents.  

For safety reasons, while cleaning the wet-dry vac, it is important to ensure it is not plugged.


The wet-dry vacuum is one of the most sought-after home appliances, but there are unique ways of making the machine handle task faster and more efficiently. We believe we’ve got most of the basic things covered. By properly following the tips explained above, cleaning the house becomes simple, smooth, and convenient.
Have a great day!

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