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26 DIY Coffee Mug Holders You Can Create For Fun

DIYs are an excellent way of unleashing your inner creativity. If you’re an avid mug collector and thinking of creative ways on how to store them, you’re at the right place. Having a coffee mug holder can free up valuable space in your cabinets. It is also fun to display your favorite mugs for family and friends to enjoy, rather than hiding them away in the cabinet. When combined with your coffee machine and necessary supplies, these racks and holders create inviting areas to make a warm drink and relax. These coffee mug holders come in a variety of cute styles from farmhouse to modern.

26 Easy DIY Coffee Mug Holders Ideas

These coffee mug holders use a variety of woodworking techniques and can be adapted for anyone’s skill level. Some of these mug holders are so easy, all you need to do is paint a pallet, decorate it with stenciling, and screw in some cup hooks. There are a mix of countertop designs and wall designs. One of the more unique countertop designs features a base of plumbing pipe with a shelf for mugs.

Try one of these simple, fun DIY ideas and make your own coffee rack today. Most of these projects can be done in a weekend, and some are even quicker.

1. Pallet Style Rack with Lots of Mugs

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2. Painted Rack with Stenciled Lettering

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3. Little House for Coffee Mugs

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4. Metal Wall Racks to Hang Your Mugs

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5. Cup Hooks Inside Your Cabinets

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6. Wall Shelf with Hooks and Stenciling

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7. Plate and Mug Rack from a Reclaimed Shutter

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8. Cute Moose Head Coffee Mug Holder

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9. DIY Coffee Mug Holders with Wine Barrel Staves

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11. Gray Stained Rack that Looks Reclaimed

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12. Heart Shaped Coffee Mug Rack with Stenciling

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13. DIY Coffee Mug Holders Made of Pallets

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14. Simple DIY Mug Holder with Four Pegs

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15. Lazy Susan Coffee Center with Hanging Mugs

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16. Coffee Mug Holder with Plumbing Pipe

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17. Weathered Look DIY Coffee Mug Holders

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18. Framed Arrangement with Hooks and Greenery

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19. Stenciled Wall Rack with Lots of Hooks

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20. Simple DIY Box with Screws and Coffee Pod Storage

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21. Open Wooden Wall Holder with Metal Rods

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22. Hang Coffee Mugs on a Pegboard

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23. Coffee Mugs Hung on Rustic Planks

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24. Pallet Coffee Mug Holder with Thoughtful Quote

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25. Super Easy DIY Mug Tree

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We hope you like these DIY Coffee Mug Holders ideas.
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