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Architecture Trends: How Houses Will Look Like In 2022

In the case of most industries, changes happen. Most of them come about because of the influence of the current times. Architecture is one of those sectors that go with the current flow.

There are always new house designs that come out every year. Some of them were brought back, while others are new ideas. House design trends come from these designs, influencing what most new houses will look like in that period.

As the world continues to recover and go forward from the events of 2020, 2022 looks to be the year that architecture will use the positive changes of the past couple of years. Since shelter is a basic human need, it’ll help to know where it’s headed. So here’s a peek at how houses will look in 2022, based on the architecture trends.

Sustainability will prevail

Sustainability is forecasted to be a huge influence on architecture in 2022. More architects are expected to push for sustainable house designs because of the benefits it provides. For one, sustainable house designs lower utility and maintenance costs, which is always a welcome positive for homeowners.

Passive houses are highly likely to increase in 2022. Also called eco-houses, these residential structures use natural construction materials such as stone and brick. Eco-friendly materials have long been used in building houses, and they’ll be more prevalent in 2022, and it’s to be expected that firms worldwide like APL Architects Philippines will take note of it.

Besides eco-friendly materials, energy-saving technologies will also be more popular for residential buildings. They’ll be utilized to reduce energy consumption, mainly for reducing heat loss.


Single-use spaces will cease beginning in 2022. Instead, architecture design will start focusing on spaces where people can do more than just one thing. 2022 will be about making the most out of the space homeowners have in their real estate.

Interior design will be about finding usable space in every area of houses and making them usable. It can be either through multifunctional furniture or maximizing vertical space for additional storage and decor. Furniture as dividers will be more prominent to merge two spaces.

Adding outdoor spaces for various activities

The outdoors became even more appealing because of the pandemic. Being quarantined and stuck at home encouraged many to use the spaces outside their house to do regular activities. Some of them can even be done indoors.

A 2021 survey by the American Institute of Architects showed that outdoor spaces are a trend as it indicated a 61% to 70% increase in demand from 2020. That strongly suggests that 2022 will be the year outdoor spaces in homes will reach a new level of popularity. Besides outdoor spaces, homeowners will also look to bring the outdoors inside by going the extra mile to renovate or develop nature-inspired looks.

Symmetry in design with industrial style architecture

2022 is expected to be the year people will look for adaptable houses regardless of size. They can find that with industrial-style architecture, which will become more popular because of the modern trends towards environmental friendliness.

Besides that, they also have very recognizable features, such as their perfect symmetry. Industrial-style houses have angular shapes, clear, sharp lines, and flat roofs. They also use natural materials for facade decoration like brick, wood, and stone.

Wrap up

Looking at where it’s headed for 2022, architecture will improve home living even more. Of course, we don’t know how long these trends will last, but they’ll surely make a mark for leaning on staying relevant with the times.

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