Mirrors have a magical ability to make the room seem brighter and bigger allowing the light to be distributed evenly. 

A mirror is also known to be a decorative secret weapon because, not only can it be used as an object to check your face, it is used to bring drama and create interesting reflections and frame views. 


It is astounding how the addition of a mirror in a room, can transform your space resolving any interior dilemmas in an instant. 

Since mirrors are inexpensive and considered to be a stylish accessory, it gives your home an instant makeover. A well-placed mirror can be a powerful asset to any room in the house. 

If you are looking to add charm to your room using a mirror, then here are some of the 10 mirror décor ideas to brighten up your space.

Add them to your hallway

If your home has a long hallway, using a mirror is a great way to welcome your guests. Mirror vignettes, puzzle piece mirrors or a group of mirrors can be hung on the side walls. This mirror décor idea in your hallway will help brighten up the darkness of the long corridor. 

Have you thought about wall tiles?

By laying a glass wall above the sofa or a sectional, it will give a playful and spacious impression of the living room. 

Floor-length mirrors create magic

The bigger the better. One of the best mirror décor ideas is the arrangement of floor-length mirrors. Place the mirror opposite a window to allow the flow of natural light into the room. 

Give your dining room a taste of reflection with these dining room ideas

Dining rooms are ideally the best place for mirrors. If your dining room lacks natural light, place an extra-large wall mirror above the kitchen cabinet to add more visual dimension to space.

 Own a mirror wall gallery

Another fabulous wall mirror decorating idea is turning one wall in your living room into a mirror gallery. This display of mirrors will increase the light, as well as add an artistic impression to the room.

Bedroom headboards

The wall above the head bed is a perfect place for a centerpiece mirror. Placing a mirror above will add an extra decorative touch to your bedroom.

Say hello to garden mirrors

Garden mirrors are placed in numerous places to create a powerful effect. Although this large mirror décor idea is fun, remember not to place mirrors in a way where it can cause harm to birds or your pets. Keep mirrors away from direct sunlight.

Bathroom mirrors to help you see your reflection

Mirrors and bathrooms are complementary to one another. Instead of mounting the mirror on the wall, you can hang it. It will not only save space but it will make your bathroom look impressive. Hanging mirrors don’t cover the light source, instead, they work well as a light reflector.

Dress a mantel

Use the rule of thirds when hanging an overmantel mirror. Take the height of your mantel shelf, double it, and you will get the ideal height for the perfect mirror. A mantel mirror should be wider than the mantel to help draw more light into the room.

Mirror your entryway

One of the best wall mirror decorating ideas is placing a mirror at the entryway. Mirrors at the entryway help brighten things up by reflecting light and creating the illusion that space is bigger than it is.


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