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7 DIY Garden Things To Do For Summer

With winter starting to fade and spring approaching, you need to pay some attention to the outside areas of your home to ensure they grow and develop well into the summer.

Doing DIY garden things for the summer months will make it more aesthetically pleasing and easier to maintain. It will also help you make the most out of your outdoor areas and you can prepare yourself for dry periods that could put your garden under pressure. Whether you love gardening or you are a beginner, below we will explore 7 things that you can do to prepare your garden for the summer months.

Prepare Your Tools

If your tools have been left in the shed all winter and are covered in dirt and mud, then you should clean them in order to prepare them for the gardening in the warmer months.

Dirty tools tend to deteriorate quickly, and they can also spread disease, infecting your plants. The first thing you need to do is wash away the dirt and remove stubborn stains with a stiff brush.

You should also oil your tools to prevent rust. Keeping tools clean when looking after your plants will prolong their life further. 

Tidy the Flower Beds

During autumn, leaves and foliage will fall from bushes and trees, which will be collected by your flower beds over winter. Tidying your flowerbeds and borders is a vital part of preparing your garden for the summer. You should also collect any other rubbish that has collected over the colder months.

Next, you will be able to remove any weeds, treat the ground for pests, trim any edges and turn the soil to help with plant cultivation. This will improve the look of the garden and keep the soil nutrient-rich.

Plant Flowering Plants

To make your garden look its best in the summer, you need to have some beautiful flowering plants prepared to bloom in the summertime. This doesn’t only improve the aesthetic look of your garden, but it also great for attracting insects and other wildlife.

To do so, you should plant flowering bulbs and flowers during the spring, so they can blossom and bloom in the summer months. Some of the options to consider include dahlias, iris, lilies, and crocuses. 

Clean Your Patio

Cleaning up your garden patio alongside mowing the lawn isn’t difficult, but it improves the look of your garden tremendously. Patios and decking are essential if you want to truly enjoy your garden.

It is normal for this part of your garden to become run down and tired looking. Removing any rubbish and pressure washing any dirt and moss that have collected on the paving stones can leave them looking as good as new. 

Treat Garden Furniture

As summer creeps forward, it won’t be long until you start inviting your friends and family over for a party in your garden, so you need to make sure you prepare your garden furniture.

If it has been packed away over the summer, you will need to give it a once over to make sure it is clean in the garden before you put it back out. It is also a good idea to treat the wood to help preserve it, which will make it last longer and to protect it from the weather elements and any spillages. 

Add New Features

When you sat outside last summer, was there was something you or others noticed and complained about? If so, you should add new features to your garden to accommodate this.

This could be anything from adding a new ornament to make it less plain or installing a glass roof verandah to protect yourself and guests from unexpected bad weather during the summer. If you like the idea of having a verandah in your garden, then check them out here at Nationwide can give you a free design consultation to see what would best fit your space.

Create a Compost Heap

Starting up a compost heap is a highly effective way to improve your garden soil quality, for free! It is also really good for the biodiversity of your garden. If you don’t have one already, you should purchase a compost bin or build your own from some wood or an old container.

Once it has been created, you can use it to put in garden waste as well as kitchen waste, such as fruit and vegetable peelings. The decomposition process is what creates the compost, which can then be added to plants.

Preparing your garden for the summer will allow you to make the most of it when the time comes. It will also help to keep on top of your garden maintenance, which will make your garden look presentable all year round. Your garden is a feature that you should be proud of, and doing the above will ensure it doesn’t get neglected. 

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