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5 Best Ways to heat your Garage in Winter

Winter is harsh.

Although snow is fun during blizzards, it’s not fun anymore. Without proper preparation, you won’t get anywhere pretty easily. This problem is most acute in the garages. 


Here’s the thing- 

A lot of people have their garage a bit separated from the main house. Sometimes these garages need separate cold tackling or heating solutions. And most of the people ignore the garage heating part altogether. 

This results in a lot of problems. For instance, the car fuel might freeze up.  So, how to heat up garages during winter? 

Well, we are here to answer that exact question. Here we will discuss 3 types of heating solutions for your garage. Now, let’s not waste any more time and jump right into the details-

Low Budget Methods

Yeah, you saw it right. We are categorizing the methods based on budget. We believe that most of the people don’t install a garage heating solution in the first place because of budget constraints. 

Here we have categorized the heating methods and ways budget-wise. So, on this list, at first, we’re covering the low budget methods. 

Method 1: Insulating the Garage

Garages get from cold to super cold due to outside exposure. So, packing up the inside air would be pretty helpful during winter. Although this won’t make the air warm, it won’t make the air colder. 

This is the cheapest method for having a warmer garage. Moreover, this is a super easy process. All you need is a caulking gun and a few clothes. With a few practices, you’ll insulate like a pro. 

Method 2: Creating an Air Way

Here we’re assuming that you have a heating system inside the house. Also, we’re assuming that your garage is close by to your house if not adjacent. 

So, the idea is to create an airway that’ll supply warm air into your garage from the house. 

For that, you’ll need to insulate the whole garage properly. And then you’ll need to create 2 air vents. 

One for inserting warm air into the garage from the house and the other is for exhausting the inside cold air into the house. Basically, you’ll create an air circulation between your garage and your house. 

So, why is this in our low budget criteria? 

Well, most of the tools needed for this are already available in regular households. The only thing you’ll need to buy in here is air duct pipes. These pipes are around 10 dollars each. And you’ll need 1 exhaust fan. Basically, you can finish off the whole thing within 60 dollars. 

Mid Budget Methods

These methods in here cost a bit more than the low budget methods. But these are more effective too. So, let’s look at the methods-

Method 1: Using Electric Space Heaters

Electric heaters have a wide price range. But if you want to have a heater that will last a couple of years without any problem, then you’ll need to go a bit deeper into your pocket. 

But don’t worry about that too much. We’ve put this solution into our mid-budget criteria. 

Normally, if you want an electric heater with energy star certification, it’ll cost you a bit more. But in return, it’ll save up a huger amount of electric bills in the future. 

On the other hand, if you use this heater only for your garage then you won’t need a huge area coverage. And low area coverage means low cost. 

As a result, the total cost lowers down to a mid-budget range. 

Now about the heaters. There are many variants of electric heaters. But the infrared heaters are pretty cool and energy saving. 

Method 2: Using a Combustion Space Heater

These heaters burn fuel to create heat. A fine example of this is using propane heater in garage

These are the perfect mid-range garage heating solutions. You get the proper amount of heat by spending just the proper amount. Moreover, there’s no tension about an out of order heater. 

Good propane heaters with small area coverage are a bit cheaper than good electric heaters. But this gap gets covered up by fuel cost. 

Considering everything this solution fits perfectly in this place. And to be honest, it’s one of the best solutions here. 

High Budget Method

In the case of heating solutions, we have a rule of thumb. That is, the more you spend on heating the better and reliable heating you’ll get. So, here we’ve brought in the most expensive garage heating solution. 

There’s more to that- it’s super tough to DIY this solution. This fact makes it even more costly. So, let’s take a look at the solution-

Create a Radiant Heating Solution

Radiant heating means the generation of heat by using infrared radiation. 

In real life, this concept is used as a floor or ceiling heater. You can even install a radiant heating system on the wall. Basically, the infrared radiation heats up a surface rather than the air directly. The target surface heats up and starts radiating heat all around the space. 

It’s a costly solution, but it works flawlessly. 

If you want to install one in your garage then you have to either rebuild the whole floor or you have to modify the ceiling. 

So, if you’re up for the cost then it’s the best solution here. Because this solution has extremely low operating costs once you install it. Moreover, this solution is actually quiet. 

So, yeah, this solution is the best in here. 

Extra Tip

To be honest it’s not that much of a tip. 

Just remember that without proper insulation, your garage heating solution won’t be effective. 

Final Thoughts

Now that you’ve gone through all the five solutions, we believe you can choose the best option for you. Don’t ignore garage heating if you live in a cold area. For instance, we don’t know what could go wrong at what time.

So, choose your solution of choice to save money  and get going with it. Good Luck.

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